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Paul Mani

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Everything posted by Paul Mani

  1. I think we should be looking to replace the wingers and DG with better players from the start. But I agree that we need another couple of starters for the following reasons. CB - in case we play 3 at the back. ST - to create competition. I don’t think you can have too many goal scorers in your squad
  2. The team that went down would’ve finished mid table at the ratio it was collecting points under TM. I think it would have enough to survive in the Championship. Having said that I’ll be gutted if we don’t sign the forwards we need.
  3. Haha - sound!! FYI - It’s true btw, check it with any of the ‘real’ ITK’s and they’ll tell you the same.
  4. If I told you that several people (who have met with / worked for) the owners have told me that Venkys are ALWAYS willing to spend more would you believe me?
  5. Interesting point. But you wouldn’t need to have trialists if you knew specifically what you wanted...
  6. At what point have I passed my opinion off as fact? And when have I jumped down peoples necks? I have tried to apply some context by suggesting that it would be better to wait until the end of the window to judge it...in fact that the worst thing Iv said is that there is a ‘general negative rhetoric’...haha Meanwhile, I have been called a ‘happy clapper’ a ‘weirdo’ as well as been mocked in terms of the relationships I have in football. I’m a Rovers fan to my core. I won’t be dragged into the negativity on here and because of that I don’t fit in.
  7. No pal, that’s an OPINION. You really struggle with this stuff hey?
  8. Fair point regarding the execution of the plan. Surely we can wait until the end of the window though.
  9. Now that would be a signing!! Ahh mate. Don’t do this to us!! There’s prob about 10 lads just googled “10 reasons why you should hate Phil Foden” just so they have something to complain about! Hahahah
  10. I went to the last game of the season at Ewood. At that moment I don’t remember a better feeling amongst the supporters, the players, the manager etc since we won the league. My initial point was that in spite of what is an extremely positive moment there were still 287 pages of generally negative comments. That’s a fair point to make.
  11. In terms of the feel good factor between the club and supporters following a season of winning and scoring goals. Lead by a manager whom we trust and a set of players who seemingly care. - Yes
  12. There’s nothing ‘Urban myth’ about the last 287 pages. Read them in context bearing in mind we are in the best place since Venkys arrived. It’s fair to say that the general rhetoric is negative. I won’t post past the transfer windows but I will read. This is because if you try to be positive on here you’re labelled a ‘happy clapper’ and driven away, no matter how informed or sensible you are. Work this out - Most of the negative posters in here don’t even take on the likes of Neophox because even though he has a track record of being right...the TRUTH doesn’t fit their negative rhetoric either! Crazy.
  13. Thanks mate. You won’t get too much feedback on your ‘back to reality’ bit in here because it doesn’t fit the general negative rhetoric...but yeah I heard Baldwin too. Maddison likely as we ARE one of two teams in for him and most likely to sign him unless a) he refuses to reduce his ridiculous wage demands (higher than Dack and Mulgrew). b) someone else triggers his release and pays said wages. More than likely reach a deal this or next week on a). and b) is unlikely...Deal very likely. As is Armstrong in the last week when everyone stops posturing and players and agents accept that they are facing being at club where no one wants you.
  14. Nothing condescending about suggesting we wait until the window closes. And I know who I know...most of them actually seek me out tbf for one reason or another. We mix in similar circles. So what?
  15. Bore off mate. Let this sink in while you do...
  16. Mate, if you’ve ever managed people or any team you’ll know this isn’t the case. If a person is the wrong fit for a team it matters not what skills they have. It just won’t work. Trust the manager. He has the best interests of our club at heart. Don’t castigate him for rejecting Bell ends. We’ve trod that path before with the likes of Murphy, Best, Etuhu etc...no thanks.
  17. Yeah I agree it’s a slow team but a team capable of beating Ipswich nevertheless.... fyi - I’m not saying that team is good enough for the championship. I just provided it as it has been mentioned that we had to be ready for the first game.
  18. I’ve read the quotes from Hurst and he’s as worried as anyone that their squad is light in numbers. Raya Nyambe Lenihan Mulg Williams Smallwood Davenport Bennett Dack Rothwell Graham This team can win at Ipswich imo.
  19. Without going too deeply into things (or my relationship with footballers past and present) agreeing a deal in football can take an inordinate amount of time. Especially if the two clubs are some way away from the magical number and the player is pushing the move...
  20. Whattttttt!? The window closes next month guys!!! Hahahah
  21. This is why I’m confident mate. Because our manager is confident that he’ll get his first choices. How could he be confident if he didn’t have the funds? Actually, based on words from the horses mouth, your theory isn’t very obvious at all. I’m not trying to offend people. I’m just pointing out that the manager (whom we all trust, seems happy and confident). So why can’t we judge this window once it closes?
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