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Paul Mani

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Everything posted by Paul Mani

  1. This is my point. I’m not saying we have £3m but how on earth does Harrison going to Ipswich for £750k mean we HAVEN’T got any money!!? Hahaha
  2. I genuinely trust TM. I think the reason we haven’t signed any more players is because he won’t panic and buy for the sake of it. Whether it’s list a, b, c or d...if we’ve got a better squad then I’ll be happy.
  3. That we finish this window with a stronger squad than the one that finished last season.
  4. Prices do tend to become more realistic... Maybe I will be disappointed. But I’m willing to wait until the end of the window to judge it.
  5. Oh come on mate. Look at the whole interview in context. He’s not grasping at straws. He’s confident, almost bullish!!
  6. I think the article released 15-20 mins ago on the Lancashire Telegraph confirms the ongoing rhetoric which hasn’t really changed... The only benefit to TM leaving the signings of specific players to the last minute is that you get them for their real price and not the inflated sums that are being banded about. So yes, I can see why you’d hang on. I completely disagree that we’re ‘in a right old mess’. The way I see it, if we finish up paying £1.5m instead of £3m for Armstrong, £750k-£1m instead of £2m for Bauer, plus maybe Maddison and a couple of loans then we will have had an excellent window and it will have been worth the wait. The fact of the matter here is that no one knows how much or little money we have. No one even knows who the targets are or why they haven’t signed yet. Let’s judge the window when it’s done. Until then, I’ll be refreshing every social media outlet every hour too in the hope that I’m not disappointed!! Haha
  7. Why can’t there be more balanced opinions? All of the communication from the manager suggested he was happy with the budget, knew exactly which players he wanted (based on ability and mentality) and that he wanted to sign them as early as possible. Other than being unable to get them done early I see no change in that rhetoric. So why are there so many assuming ‘we’re skint’ or ‘we’ve no plan b’ etc? TM appears to refuse to settle for players unless they have the right character etc. So maybe, just maybe he doesn’t want Adulkan or Mcmanaman or Wildschut... I’m getting worried too but surely we need to get to the end of the window before the hysteria kicks in?
  8. Oztumer!!? The guy has been apparently ‘lighting up’ league one for years and yet it’s taken him until now to get a move higher. A very poor mans Bradley Dack at best. Wilschut? An absolute enigma of a player. Had potential, never lived upto it. lowe? Hahahaha I’d take both of our signings hands down!
  9. I wouldn’t conclude that the owners have let us down, no. TM and the directorship went out there with seemingly well laid plans and the feeling when they returned was that the news on budgets was good... Hate to say it but I am coming to the opinion that TM and the directors had underestimated the market. It’s never easy to get value early in a World Cup year as teams start back late, sign players later meaning the trickle down comes later. But when you listen to TM over the last few days it’s evident that they are struggling which is a worry. its a worry because we a badly short of people to create and score goals at the top end of the pitch. If truth be known had I realised we would struggle this much I’d have happily agreed to keeping last seasons squad and not signing a single other player because I think we were stronger then than we are now...maybe they need to reasses and go back to Venkys for some more cash. There’s time. Hope we can add some good creativity and goals soon or it will be a long hard season.
  10. I have never ‘launched’ anything at anyone. Most of the time I just read. It’s unsurprising that you’d make the allegation though as for some reason you like to portray some sort of feeling that you know more than everyone else. The people on here looking at the evidence across multiple platforms to discuss transfers know far more than you do. Please stop patronising them and us readers with your flamboyant but empty words.
  11. Jeez, just when I thought you couldn’t get anymore patronising...
  12. http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/16356342.striker-signings-a-priority-for-rovers-boss-mowbray/ As if by magic...haha
  13. The lack of firepower is a little alarming but TM knows that and has said as much this weekend. Getting the likes of Armstrong, Chapman and Antonsson in League 1 shows our ambition under this regime. They were happy with the agreed budget...so I’m happy to wait. Still think there’s a few who will be pleasantly surprised and others a bit red faced when all the business is done!! In Tony we trust!
  14. Imo we need four attackers including at least one number 9.
  15. Posh Chairman - The release clause for Maddison is £1m-ish? and has been activated by a team who were not in the Championship last season. The payment plan of the agreed fee now being thrashed out. Also confirmed it’s not Wigan. I do feel there’s a strong chance it’s us. I can’t see the ex Prem boys faffing around to pay £1m. Surely their budgets and potential targets are bigger?
  16. City fans generally upset that he’s been allowed to leave for a few upto £500k as it’s very cheap. A lot saying they expected him to succeed Fernandinho and Delph in the first team!!!! Jeez! Master stroke!?
  17. Wow. Makes me feel even more positively. If he’s half the player the City fans, Burton reporters are saying he is then a) we’ve pulled off an absolute blinder and b) the lad walks straight into our first 11. End of.
  18. Don’t see why not. If they’re good enough, they’re old enough. But I’m guessing you, like most of us haven’t really seen either of them play. So I guess we can all stay relatively positive and wait and see Hey?
  19. A lot of people rate Davenport VERY highly. I’ve never seen the guy play but I’m excited to see! 4yr deal too...brilliant.
  20. It’s not rocket science mate. They identify who they want. Initial enquiries to see if the player fancies it and if the selling club are willing to listen...but then you still have to actually agree the financial terms of the deal. Its World Cup year which is always a notoriously quiet start to the summer transfer window. The manager and chief exec have been soooo honest with the fans. People just making their own assumptions because they’re growing frustrated. A lot of rubbish passed off as fact too. Be patient. TM has given us no reason not to believe him
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