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Paul Mani

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Everything posted by Paul Mani

  1. Can’t beleive the amount of people writing Samuel off. The lad is 23 years old, 6ft 1in and pace like an express train. His personal trainer decision shows he’s hungry to do well. He’s a confidence player for me. Needs to score early and get a run. But he has all attributes to do well in the Championship imo. Good luck to the lad.
  2. This is more like it. Yes of course, great teams win when they’re seemingly ‘playing badly’. It’s very difficult to do and luck plays no part in it. Last season 99% of the teams we faced camped on their own box with the sole intention of stopping us. There were some games where a bit of magic from Dack etc would win that game but the vast majority were won by a team that would not give up. They dug in and finally made our 70% possession pay. I remember at least two teams starting with 6-4-0 formations at Ewood, several others deployied it during games. Rovers were not poor (apart from those early games settling in). They were caught up in so many games where the opposition had no intention of playing football. That was the reason we felt deflated at times walking out of the ground having won. It hadn’t bern entertaining, more a test of the teams desire to break through. Poor teams with one good player cannot achieve what they did last season. To truly believe this, you cannot understand what it takes to succeed as a team.
  3. This has nothing to do with whether they’re still with us or not, or next season. You made the point that last season rovers were a poor side carried by Dack. Iv now pointed out that having accumulated those points and goals along with the excellent performances from several players that it is ludicrous to say we were poor and inaccurate to say we were carried by Dack.
  4. Also, early in the season, Chapman who made cameo performances which changed games, then there was Smallwoods last gasp winner at Fleetwood, oh and how about Bennett’s mom performance in Cm against Shrewsbury? Hang on, Armstrong scored 8 goals too...Antonsson started the season in excellent goal scoring form... Amazing really, for a one man band!! Haha
  5. Omg. If any person believes you can accumulate 96 points, scoring 80+ goals as an ‘ordinary side carried by Dack’ (or any one player) they have no knowledge or experience of team success. I don’t know where this ‘we were average last season’ rhetoric is coming from but I can only think that it’s borne of the frustration of grown men who are impatiently waiting for transfer news. It’s beyond ridiculous. Laughable.
  6. I can see your point but there was a completely different context. 99% of the teams we faced played to stop us. This season there will be more space in the final third because teams will come at us instead of sitting in.
  7. The messages are actually very similar to those posted by Gillingham fans on Dack last year...talented but injury prone etc. In fact many of the Gills fans were more scathing about Dacks attitude and fitness...none of us knew what to expect then either... so let’s see!
  8. It’s funny how people see things so differently. Imo we dominated most teams last season. The possession stats, goals scored, goals conceded etc all confirm this home and away. My worry is that having dominated so many matches and been used to being on top, can we be solid and play on the break? Great points about the difficulty in finding good forwards. They will be the difference undoubtedly. Enjoyed reading your post pal. Thanks ??
  9. Oh my.....at what point did 17th June become late in the transfer Market? Any transfers done before July are early, surely?
  10. A shocker? He’s been on holiday and the transfer market hasn’t even go going.
  11. Not sure. Looks like he’s just throwing names about. No secret that he wants Chapman and Armstrong back... What it does do is credit why he offered Graham and Conway new contracts in terms of their influence in the dressing room. Bearing in mind no one knows how much we’ve offered either player in wages it’d be great if we could draw a line under it all.
  12. I read into this that it’s quality over quantity. He’s looking at players who are as good, if not better quality than Dack...I’m VERY interested to see things start moving now.
  13. http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/sport/16279246.Rovers_transfer_latest_from_boss_Tony_Mowbray/ Gotta love this guy....
  14. You should’ve took that bet mate. Little to no chance of Dack leaving this summer. Was like printing money that...
  15. A RB, CM, Armstrong, Chapman and Payne for me. CM being the key.
  16. Based on your argument my opinion is really valid as I spend thousands every year with the club. For what it’s worth. I wouldn’t give Conway a new deal either based on what Iv seen. But the man who matters believes it right so that’s ok with me. The end.
  17. You tell me mate. But after the last 12 months we’ve had, with a manager who has proven 100 times over his worth, a team who have given everything to the cause and owners who have backed the manager and backed the manager and not sold any of our best players...what on EARTH do any real Rovers fans have to be negative about? If Carlsberg did amazing turnarounds, being a Rovers fan in the last 12 months would be it!! So yeah, I question the motives of those people. Now back to transfers ??
  18. Completely agree. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion. But leave it there. We’ve got guys on here going on and on about Conway. “He’s not worth it!” “I can’t see a single reason to keep him” “it’s a waste of money” etc...but these people don’t know what he’s been offered...they’ve never worked with him...they don’t pay the bills...I just find really odd that ‘supporters’ feel so empowered to judge without any information. After the season we’ve just had I can’t believe some of the negativity still being peddled on here. It’s draining and I can’t help but wonder if those people actually have the club at heart Stuart.
  19. That’s great. So let’s support the team then. Support the manager. Trust the manager who sees every single day what the likes of Conway etc bring to the party! The fact that we love the club doesn’t give us a reason to strenuously pass judgment on situations we know literally nothing about. Anyone on here know what terms we’ve offered? Anyone work with the group daily? Anyone here responsible for paying the bills at Rovers? No. Like I say, it’s weird. Just let the manager do his job.
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