I started this in the Bristol C match thread but believe it might be best for it to have it's own thread. I'll update this as the week's go by, this should give us a clear indication on what direction we are heading and how we compare to everyone else this season as well as teams in key positions over the last 5 years.
Current PPG - 2.00
Average xPPG over 5yrs | 24/25 Season
1st xPPG - 2.08 | 1st xPPG - 3.00
2nd xPPG - 1.95 | 2nd xPPG - 2.50
3rd xPPG - 1.82 | 3rd xPPG - 2.25
6th xPPG - 1.58 | 6th xPPG - 1.75
12th xPPG - 1.36 | 12th xPPG - 1.25
21st xPPG - 1.02 | 21st xPPG - 0.75
22nd xPPG - 0.96 | 22nd xPPG - 0.5
24th xPPG - 0.80 | 24th xPPG - 0.25
If we win against Bristol C
PPG - 2.2
If we draw against Bristol C
PPG - 1.8
If we lose against Bristol City
PPG - 1.6
(PPG = points per game)
(xPPG = expected points per game)