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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. when celtic opened the scoring,at the back of the riverside,a celtic fan in disguise jumped up in celebration,before the inevitable retribution was doled out by rovers fans,two blokes in rangers tops appeared from nowhere and clumped him on the head😄,luckily for him he managed to escape their clutches and ran down the riverside steps at usain bolt like speed just before half time,i was going for a couple of pies only to be met by a hail of coins thrown by the drunken scottish scum,i thought **** this and started to pick up all coins,paid for the food and still had enough left for my dinners all week,particularly remember a sikh in a celtic turban giving us particular abuse,which was pretty cool tbh
  2. a decent journo would sniff the story of non transfer activity and be all over it,sharpe and jackson are just office boys who type what they are told
  3. iv`e never been keen on middlesborough,all footy fans in the north east are crazily delusional,they are however a proper football club,unlike bournemouth,who are tinpot outfit with a non league ground,financed by a dodgy ****
  4. fair point,i agree,moggasaurous was bad,he was backed however and now it seems they are throwing jdt to the mercy of the blackburn end,i wonder if he will have the same cultish following that mowbray had,i feel sorry for him tbh,if nothing happens next week the season is going to be a long one,i don`t expect him to stay long actually if the transfer impasse continues
  5. i thought he did pretty well,apart from paying to much for gallagher,his record was pretty good,it was his best and only good attribute imo
  6. why have we suddenly gone dead on the transfer front,there was`nt a problem getting players in with mowbray,no signings next week and it`s really alarming,there are players out there for the picking
  7. lots of anger on here today,imagine if we were all in a pub together😆 please can everybody stop believing what the "journalists" write,the likes of nixon,(fantastist),sharpe( jumped up teaboy) and jackson ( bull*****)know absolutely as much as we do,which is nothing,there is no connection with the club anymore and no inside stories to be had
  8. lmao if middlesboro sign davies and lenihan does`nt get a look in🤣
  9. he is`nt getting what he`s on at liverpool anywhere in the championship and i don`t see any club wanting to bring in a 27 year old on loan for a season,good solid centre back,rarely injured,loved by pne fans,so getting him will piss them off!!,just get him signed ffs
  10. pears,magloire,jrc,all of them not the require standard for the championship
  11. friday and early next week are the cut off dates,if we don`t have anything arranged transfer wise by then it is time to start worrying imo
  12. reminds me of jason lowe in the ability stakes,i.e he has none,makes you wonder how he made it as a pro
  13. i think it would be irrelevent,if you are getting rogered by swag and venkys,you`de walk out anyway,clause or not
  14. he might walk if the budget is`nt as promised,it`s his reputation and like you say,he`s not here to top up his pension
  15. it could well be that,i don`t think we`ll go down,there are at least 5/6 sides worse off than us,won`t be much fun watching us survive in the lower half of the table,if your theory is right then the club have ****** all the season ticket holders,talk of substancial budgets and a new start,ffs i want my money back
  16. he just gave me the impression that he`s the kind of player who would`nt improve no matter how much you coached him,i don`t think it`s a problem with his ability,it`s his footballing brain,clear to me it`s non existant
  17. i was`nt to impressed tbh,quick yes,aware no,always made the wrong decision as well,to many times for me to ever consider him a potential good player
  18. holy **** we are playing dundee not dortmund!!! agreed,edun is a shocking full back,he`s far better in the middle of the park
  19. his dad was a fantastic player,could have been as good as shearer,had a lot of bad injuries though
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