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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. thats exactly where we should be playing him,let him run at full backs and back up ours,he`s got a great work ethic,he never stops running,tbh,i think he`s to small to play down the middle and not sure his tackling will hold up if you play him at wing back
  2. swag has most likely figured he can lay off a couple of staff and save the club a negligable few quid,he does`nt really live in reality though,he only sees in pound notes,typical middle manager,tbh,id`e round up every one of them in the country and intern them,they are the bane of society,i bet swag started off as an errand boy who used to make the tea and post letters,gradually he a**e licked his way into promotion and has been a**r licking every since,iv`e seen hundreds of the cockroaches climb the ladder that way(apologies to any middle manager who is actually useful)
  3. on the issue of food and drink,prices have gone up and quality has gone down,swag obviously thinks the people of blackburn are stupid and hav`nt noticed,the service is a farce as well,the burger van parked in nuttall street is far superior and good value,the crux of the matter is nobody at ewood has the fainstest idea of how to run a football club and they certainly have a low opinion of the fans
  4. you must be like the old fellow who lived down the street where i grew up up,he used to keep all the footballs that went into his garden,he took my pink mitre sondico from 1986 and i never saw it again😰
  5. god alone knows how he will set the team up,i imagine the bingo machine in which he picks his side will be spinning so fast you could use it for generating electric
  6. 😪😪 bring me a time machine and lets get back to 1990,£1.20 for a pint of slalam lager and £3 to stand on the blackburn end😀
  7. england home games are marketed at the middle class,who treat it as a day out and will spend exhorbitant amounts of money on souvenirs and food/drinks,the fa don`t want lads who turn up,sing,shout,voice their opinion and don`t spend much apart from a beer or two,wembley went so much overbudget they have to cram events in it to get back their outlay
  8. where would the best area in ewood for the rail seating,id`e love it to be the riverside though it might upset a lot of the regulars there
  9. they left him behind in chile,i doubt he`ll play in the uruguay game as he`s definately not fit
  10. aye,then what does pep mowbray do for the reading match,goes back to the same formation from the first half of the derby game,i know you adore and respect him but you`ve got to admit he`s a poor manager who patently does`nt listen to anyone around him
  11. not signing a proper centre forward in january was a shocking piece of mismanagement,injuries and tiredness happen at every club,they do the sensible thing and get reinforcements in
  12. thats the most optimistic quote ive` ever read🤣,you have to score goals to win a football match and since tony has reverted back to type we don`t look like scoring ever
  13. to put it bluntly,id`e rather be waterboarded than have to endure another 3/4 seasons of mowbray
  14. i think the seats are fastened back,which begs the question whats the point of having them,might as well not be there and go back to proper terracing
  15. he does indeed have some cultish pull over a lot of fans,the facebook and particularly the telegraph fan boys absolutely adore him,they won`t have a word said against him
  16. i know for sure that dack is on 18 grand a week and he`s the top earner,the other senior players can`t be to far behind that
  17. that man garner💗for someone who smoked 20 a day and loved a pint or 5 of thwaites best bitter he was very quick on the turn,he had a knack of anticipation as well,knew exactly where the ball was going,amazing what passing the ball forwards quickly and getting behind the defence can achieve🙂
  18. groin strains are well dodgy,they`ve got to be healed completely or you run the risk of making it much worse rushing the player back,it would be 3 weeks or 3 months
  19. he`s a stellar chap,very likeable but a frustrating manager and a very tacticianh,he`s never got the best out of a good squad of players though ironically his recruitment has been very good id`e give him a 5/10,we should have annihilated league one with a record points total,such was our squad quality,the defenders are coming was a shambles,defenders should have been coming but we got two strikers,one we massively overpaid for and the other took 3 seasons to get going,the harrison reed debacle is another sore point for me,massively mistreated the lad shoving him out wide and the raya saga followed up by signing the worst goalkeeper iv`e ever seen(thankfully on loan) i don`t bear him any illwill,he`s 1000% better than kean and a proper manager compared to clown coyle,i just have never liked his football philosophy,i can count the amount of times on one hand we`ve gone out and really attacked the opposition,to me football is about scoring goals and attacking,the best form of defence is attack
  20. All that Mr nice guy stuff...he's one of the biggest bullshitters we've ever had at this club. i genuinly think he has good intentions,however he`s also got a massive ego when it comes to his own management ability,in reality he`s a poor coach,tactician (how many times has he been outwitted and done nothing) and man manager,this comes across when he`s sanctimonious to the press and fans,he sees us as uneducated football wise
  21. makes it even more baffling,how the **** are 6th in the league,is it some kind of sympathy from the football gods cos we`ve endured venkys for 10 years😅
  22. **** me tugay has aged,has he been matching rovers regularly🙂
  23. well take the ban then,he is`nt playing for 10 days anyway,chile obviously want him to play or they would`nt have bothered flying him over,i bet he plays against brazil,which will make mowbray and the club a complete laughing stock,cant see klopp letting salah go to egypt if he was injured and had`nt played for a month,he`d tell them to go and do one
  24. i did`nt think it was possible for mowbray to annoy me more,until i read brereton has flown to chile to join their world cup qualifying squad,he`s injured and therefore can`t play,so my has`nt our manager told him and the chilean fa that he`s stopping here,more weak management imo,whats the odds of him appearing against brazil and making his ankle even worse,amateurish and pathetic from mowbray imo
  25. if you went out for a pint with coyle it would end up messy,with him dancing on the bar swigging a bottle of tequila getting chucked out and causing much amusement,you could`nt take him seriously going out for a pint with mowbray would involve taking two hours to drink his mild while he moans about the state of the north east,after 9.30 pm he leaves to get a fish supper
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