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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. remember branthwaites ninja attack on their centre forward last season,best bit of worst reffing iv`e ever seen,still makes me smile,warnock going nuclear at the end as well🤣
  2. the telegraph have got gally and brereton up front with a midfield diamond,the leeds lad is playing central,not sure how accurate it is,tony has never played two strikers together in his whole regime
  3. forest`s owner,some madcap greek fellow, is notorious for sacking his managers,hughton is 1/100 to get the boot if forest lose today,mowbray is next in line to take over (desperate hope i know but this is what it`s come down to🙂)
  4. 100% right,swag is a lazy,arrogant **** who can`t be bothered to research his target market
  5. our tone would have him on the bench learning the position from sam gallagher and big ben" he has to learn our system because it`s different from man utd,it will take time for him to develop physically,until he can prove to me he`s ready he`ll start on the bench" said the sage of middlesborough
  6. tony signs two big strikers then plays them wide,he signs a wide player(dolan) and puts him in the middle,he`ll probably do the same with poveda,the guy is seriously messed up,gally and big ben can`t cross a football and dolan can`t head one,the result is everyone mixed up trying to do jobs they don`t have the skills for,what ever happened to the simple game that football is supposed to be,tony thinks he`s a tactical genius when in reality he`s a poor man manager and communicator
  7. no manager under venkys has had as much financial backing,transfer wise and wage budget wise kean was backed but only after he got rid of all the premiership squad players that were earning big money berg and appleton were sacked before they could make an impact bowyer was made to sell his best players(cairney,gested,rhodes) lambert legged it when it was clear he`d been sold false promises coyle is`nt even worth mentioning(only good thing he did was sign mulgrew) mowbray given massive budget for league one,promotion achieved then wastes untold millions on two strikers we did`nt need,wastes god knows how much on wages for loan players that ar`nt going to sign for us,gives a four year contract to his mates son who`s a **** goalkeeper and now he`s nurturing other teams youth players instead of our own
  8. maybe they`ve stopped backing him because he`s spent a lot of their money and not achieved anything,if you were the owner would you give him anymore??
  9. completely given up on any hope of ever getting back to the premier league,there is no long term plan,no organisation and absolutely not enough ambition to get us there,tony`s journey is a f*****g painful farce,while tiny clubs like brentford and bournemouth are way ahead of us in every department bringing along other clubs young players instead of our own,you could`nt make it up
  10. the wheels turn in mysterious ways down at ewood it appears,when we were a normal club they took bookings until friday morning for a saturday game and ordered coaches accordingly,**** knows how they go about it now😄,saved me some money anyway
  11. at least we ar`nt in the mire as much as birmingham,st andrews is currently open with two stands only as the other two are in a bad way and currently under repair,having failed a safety check in the summer,something to do with rusty steel
  12. whats wrong with the riverside?? and though we have some issues in the stadium,it`s not on the serious scale of 10 million quid to sort out,admittedly we could do with a new pitch which will probably come at the end of the season from the armstrong money
  13. niko kalinic plays for verona,welcome home niko,there is a place in tony`s bingo machine reserved for you🙂
  14. never been to the riverside,had the misfortune to visit ayresome park which was falling to bits and we got herded into a windy corner,middlesborough is a miserable place,grey,drab even in summer with people who look like they rarely see daylight,the whole area still appears to be in ww2,on the match,the old fox warnock will be to smart for mowbray and our approach will be blunted,having said that,i don`t think they have much in attack so i`ll for a 0-0 boredraw i was hoping to go but apparently the club coach travel is booked up,which i find hard to believe as i went to the ticket office first thing monday morning,sold out with 5 days left????????????
  15. is`nt ewood a registered community asset??basically meaning it has to kept for leisure use and any planning for housing is extremely difficult to achieve,when oxford greyhound/speedway track closed the shark like property developers did everything to get their hands on it but to no avail,eventually they gave up and now it`s reopening because the only use for it is to benefit the community,which is a good thing
  16. surely gallagher gets a go at centre forward after this signing🥴
  17. tony does not like him or rate him,odd contract renewal and even stranger signing,must be on a good whack here to sign for another year with the knowledge he`s not going to play regularly
  18. same applies to the website,it looks a junior school project
  19. one tactic i would take from cambridge is their set piece routine,it was absolutely lethal,near and far post post flick ons with 5 or 6 players running in on it,it was a nightmare to defend against,the biggest critisism i have for mowbray is he tries to play purist football with players that ar`nt good enough,play to your strengths imo,we`ve got some lads who have the speed of a greyhound,set us up to counter attack then
  20. taking that approach would render us with multiple sendings off and a fine from the fa,definately can`t get away with what they got up to these days,there is nothing wrong with mxing the play up though,even liverpool at their 70`s and 80`s height used the "alehouse long ball" when they needed it
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