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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. mowbray,start doing some work and scout down the lower leagues you lazy waste of space,don`t see why we should bring on other teams players then give them back,it`s bloody stupid,unless they are absolute top class players of the future though if they were they would`nt be loaned out to us would they
  2. moggasaurous is hardly likely to stick to one formation is he,we`ll back to widestrikerville come the game against swansea,if keeps playing 3/5/2 i`ll climb on the blackburn end roof and do a naked moon dance😀
  3. far to much urgency and forward passing for tony,saturday will see a different formation and less youngsters,they are so flighty y`know😉
  4. ayala no doubt injured,chapman dropped as usual and rothwell probably fallen out with mowbray,apparently had words with the bench at fylde and at bradford
  5. ainsworth definately for me,one big stumbling block is the fact mowbray aint leaving or getting the boot
  6. lol,camera just panned to mowbray who looked distinctly unimpressed,that`s mcbride sent back to the u23`s for having the temerity to shoot from a set piece,that was just so mowbray!!!!!!
  7. he showed signs of his potential in the 2nd half of last season,until tony decided to drop him for the last dozen games!!!!!!!hopefully he can continue his upcurve
  8. looks like he`s bulked up as well,which is good,he was always a good footballer,just to weak,that season at motherwell and hartlepool has benefited him it would seem
  9. be a bit silly to start armstrong and dolan together agaisnt swansea,you need a bit of height up there imo,could be big ben who starts with armstrong
  10. i would think the main point in lack of morale and apathy is the management team,judging by some of the performances by the players and mowbray in the last 18 months there is no leadership on or off the pitch,certainly no culpability in anyone
  11. where is gallagher??something going on i think,could have rebelled against the mowbray regime,a la rothwell,tonights side is a f****g joke by the way,with 10 days left until the first game of the season we are lining up with a side that i think is the smallest iv`e ever seen,we are going to get blown away in the hurly,burly championship
  12. you can over the hill at any age,due to injuries,motivation,attitude or any number of factors,shevchenko for example was well past it when he signed for chelsea,despite only being 30,maybe reach is`nt shot,it just seems to me that tony only goes for shopworn players because they are content not to rock the dressing room whereas a young,hungry player will take more managing,tony does`nt do managing,coaching or seemingly anything,he`s already said he does`nt monitor fitness levels,we don`t practice set pieces and he does`nt do tactics,not a lot happens at brockhall by all accounts🤫
  13. this potential reach signing is another bradley johnson,an over the hill player who`s going to get one last big contract,very much a mowbray type player,easy to manage because he`ll be content to just pick up his wages without fuss,tony does`nt do ambitious,young and hungry player,if you are then you`ll be sold,benched or played out of position till you get the message and knuckle down under tony`s crap methods
  14. watkins is a far better player than armstrong will ever be and he came from the lower leagues,picking up players like him and selling them on should be our bread and butter,like it used to be,god alone knows what our scouting system is up to these days
  15. the darwen end hold 8000,so why are they giving them both stands???
  16. aye,i can see us hovering over the relegation zone by november and mowbray bleating that we can`t compete with the top half and we fans should lower our expectations,dismissing the fact that barnsley got into the play offs without any money at all,i can see it panning out like the above scenario,mowbray to me has now overtaken kean as my most hated rover figure ever,at least kean was stupid and always destined to get the sack,mowbray is slyly playing it all for his own gain,picking up his wages and not giving a **** about the club
  17. he could take us down to the conference and he`d still be in a job,the only way mowbray is leaving is if he gets a job somewhere else(highly unlikely),he decides to retire(possible after this season) or he shuffles off the mortal coil,he could in all possibility get a job upstairs in some capacity,though it won`t rid us of him and he`ll still be able to wield his influence,sorry to say we are stuck with his incompetence,poor coaching and general malaise
  18. does make you wonder if venkys are just running the club down in revenge for mr venky getting a snowball in the mush years ago,top marks to the man/woman who threw the offending snowball,it was right on target
  19. i remember one game in the early 80`s when my dad made us stand in the burnden paddock,when i protested about not standing on the embankment he told me to stop moaning,you`ll see why we are here in a minute,cue twenty minutes into the game it all kicked off in there,bottles,bits of loose concrete and all sorts of debris flying everywhere!!! imo it was the most intimidating ground in the whole football league,worse than the victoria ground,upton park,st andrews or the den,i think it was 1995/96,when they beat us,shearer and all,they were all going mental looking for anyone in blue and white outside the ground,me and mate just put our heads down and managed to make it to the train in one piece🙂
  20. to get the best out of rothwell he needs to be played just behind a central striker where he can exploit space and use his speed to create chaos,more often than not in his whole time here he`s been to deep and almost in front of the two centre backs at times,i keep maintaining that we`ve got 5 or 6 lads with the speed to make us deadly on the counter attack,play to your best attributes and make the opposition worry about you,not the other way round,our erstwhile manager though is insistent on playing everyone out of position🤔
  21. and in the same position we were 5 years ago,if a manager can`t move the club forward in 5 seasons,then it`s not going to ever happen for him
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