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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. the word middlesborough to mowbray is like jam to a wasp,most likely means the deal will go ahead and mqueen will be a resident of the ayala/grella suite,whatever happens,the deal needs to be done soon or there won`t be time to get a replacement in,maybe there won`t be a replacement and tony is about to do the unthinkable and put the inexperienced dolan in armstrongs place,anything is possible with this lot
  2. i think there was a plan but it`s been derailed because mowbray spent a considerable amount of money on players we did`nt need instead of building from the back,now he`s just completely lost the plot on everything,like a sick dog,he needs putting out of his misery
  3. swag and moggadon are terrified of anything or anyone progressive,it would break up their closed shop,though having lost a couple of his cherubs(bennet and evans) in the summer the dressing room might be a bit more combustible this season,i keep reiterating the only way to get rid of mowbray is to bruise his inflated ego,he`ll then go into "they keep abusing me,why??,they don`t deserve me,im`e off somewhere where they appreciate me mode",he got offended when the telegraph dared to question him on trivial matters last season,400/500 fans getting at him will make him run back to the north east(hopefully)
  4. it`s almost as if he`s giving us the finger and saying "i don`t give a **** about the club,they won`t sack me anyway so there is nothing you lot can do about it" having got used to no crowds and no criticism last season,he`s still in that mode buy if he keeps quoting the rubbish he has today then even the monoliths in the jack walker stand will be on his case come opening day,he`s in for some serious abuse unless barring some miracle we get off to a flying start
  5. in that case there is`nt any need for a manager is there,he does`nt monitor their fitness,we don`t practice set pieces,he does`nt bother with tactics and he does`nt do anything on the touchline,in fact mowbray appears to do nothing,sack the **** imo
  6. in this wretched era of our proud history rovers operate on the basis of selling your best player at the last minute for less than the market value,then we don`t have enough time to get a replacement in,mowbray then panics,buys someone cheap and over the hill or gets a complete tool on loan,i.e walton,on the other hand when he was given a sizeable amount to spend and plenty of time to spend it he bought two centre forwards we did`nt need,brought the excellent harrison reed in on loan then preceded to play them all out of position!!!!!!!!and to think some fans think we can finish in the top six😂
  7. competition launched for the best tony excuse for not signing anyone in the coming weeks🙂 1st prize is a leftover pie from 2019,not that it would taste anyworse now than it did when it was fresh
  8. i bet the second half team got a roasting off tony for not keeping the possesion levels up!!!
  9. no friendlies for 2 weeks then 3 in a week!!!!!!!!!i would trust mowbray to get my sunday paper,he`s a mess
  10. imagine coming into training,looking forward to a new season and seeing your team mates and the first person you meet is tony,with that miserable look on his face,lecturing you about possesion,stats and what you got upto over the summer!!!
  11. patience will snap when the season begins and after 5 matches we start having 75% possesion but still lose them all😯
  12. sadly i think your right,butterworth was always highly though of,terribly unlucky with injuries,if he`s driving forward at every opportunity then it`s nailed on he`ll be ignored,anyone in the squad who dares to pass or go forward is branded flighty and unreliable
  13. dan clough,the epitome of happy clapper,who thinks having an opinion is a heinous crime
  14. probably because he`s easy to manage,quietly content to pick up his wages and certainly no demand on tony`s management,the better the player the more he wants and demands to improve,anathema to tony,who`s training regime is by all accounts a pretty easy enviroment
  15. don`t forget lads,it`s all about the performance,not the results
  16. whats up with gallagher??has he told tony to **** off and refused to play out wide??
  17. you must be havin a tin bath if you think the local press will ask him anything like that,we could lose 20 games in a row 5-0,he`d still be in the job and the telegraph would still be fawning over him!!!!!!
  18. the pears deal runs it close as well,nepotism,incompetence and pointlessness,we already had four keepers on the books,we did`nt need another one,especially one who frankly is ******* useless
  19. i think it`s even worse,at least kean was a clueless idiot who did`nt know what he was doing,in that respect he was going to get the bullet or resign due boardroom pressure,mowbray and swag have the club to themselves with no one apparently bothered about what they do,look at some of the performances last season,it was clear no one gave a flying ****, the manager was sat on his arse at games looking comatosed more often than not im`e not in any way trying to defend the cupid stunt kean but at least he did try to show some leadership on the touchline,mowbray is just taking the **** out of us,he might as well go to the telegraph and announce he`s not bothered about the fans and club,just his fat salary,in that respect he`s worse than kean and he disgusts me
  20. no hope and no optimism,£25 quid to watch "possesion based football that goes nowhere",crowds of likely 8000 at some low key games and knowing that the chairman and the manager are running the club for their own gain,only bit im`e looking forward to is hopefully hearing some colourful abuse aimed at moggadon,never been more apathetic ever for the start of a season😪
  21. benitez at everton usually brings his own team in so big duncan ferguson could be surplus to requirements,id`e absolutely be buzzing if he decided he wanted to have a crack at management and ended up here,impossible dream maybe but he`d certainly shake the place up😀
  22. the fact there will no doubt be 4 or 5 teams worse than us will most likely save us from relegation,we do have some pretty decent players,if you put them in their rightful positions we should be comfortably mid table,bloody miles off even challenging for a play off spot though😫
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