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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. sell him now or lose him for nothing next year,unless some biblical miracle happens and we get promoted,he is`nt going to sign another contract,granted he scored a lot of goals last year,will it happen again??,clive allen bagged loads in one season for spurs once,the next season he got sold and barely got into double figures,the moral of the story,cash in while the value is still there
  2. we`ll never be privy to armstrongs transfer fee,it`ll go down as undisclosed!!!,pretty confident though it won`t be anywhere near 20 million,im`e more interested in who he`ll replace him with.My guess is he won`t get any money and he`ll put dolan through the middle as a straight replacement
  3. if you are picking up 10 grand a week it`s easy!!!
  4. mowbray won`t change,however he`ll still shuffle players around anywhere and everywhere and he definately would have wyke and gallagher out wide with god knows who in the middle(if armstrong gets sold)he lost the plot 2 seasons ago and now he`s just content to appear to know what he`s doing while picking up his wages
  5. it`s modern day britain,criticism is`nt allowed and anyone under 30 is as fragile as bone china, plus the guy is a teacher,which makes him more left wing than arthur scargill,he obviously has`nt spent any time in the real world
  6. having played amongst some of the worlds best players and not disgraced himself,big ben should come back into pre season absolutely bouncing and be ready to start the season with a new found vigour and intensity,however i suspect our master man manager moggadon will have his confidence back to zero after a few hours on the training ground,he could make a lottery jackpot winner feel miserable
  7. it would be no surprise if armstrong was sold and he was signed as his replacement,with the state of our club it`s a distinct possibility
  8. a big lad who`s good with his head,can`t see it really,we`ve already got one big lump in gallagher,unless tony is going to play him out wide on the other side!!!!!!,two donkeys as wingers,it`s like some kind of lsd trip!!!!
  9. johansen won`t come here,he`s still got some life left in him and harwood bellis has been loaned out to anderlecht,deciding he`s rather play for vincent kompany instead of mogadonasaourous(can you blame him),we could end up with reach,he`s perfect for tony,someone who`s not very good and is after one last contract,he`ll settle down to a few seasons of leisure
  10. does anyone know which teams will be classed as cat a and cat a+ on the issue of match day prices??bloody expensive when you consider what you have to endure from a mowbray side and a strange way to try and get more people through the turnstiles,if swag thinks keeping season ticket prices the same but raising match day prices is the answer then he`s a ****** idiot who`s completely misjudged his market,we`ll be down to 8,000/9,000 crowds this season,even less at times when you consider weather and opposition
  11. he is`nt going to walk out and leave his fat salary behind is he???he`s just picking up his wages and topping his pension up,so much for honour and "i`ll leave if i can`t take us any further", clucking banker imo,getting to kean levels of hatred for me
  12. brazil,spain 1982 world cup were absolutely brilliant,zico,eder,socrates and falcoa the holy quartet ran rings around everybody,unfortunately it was their undoing,as they forgot about defending😪 i agree on the whole brazilian style,they don`t produce anyone like kaka,ronaldinho,ronaldo,romario or bebeto etc anymore
  13. far to flighty for tony,quick,direct and has a killer final ball,we don`t want those qualities at ewood!!talks broke down when tony mentioned playing him in front of the back four to replace corry evans
  14. the new season is around the corner and the only bit of it im`e looking forward to is the thought of everybody giving mowbray his richly deserved ear bashing
  15. perhaps he`s joining southgates backroom staff as coach,sage and tactical advisor
  16. he must be short on options signing a years extension here,moggasaurous is`nt suddenly going to start playing him
  17. small article in the sunday sun that gallagher,impressed by breretons chile soujorn,will attempt to earn an international call up with scotland(got some scottish relation apparently)🤣,interestingly it possibly will create tension with mowbray because he is`nt going earn a scotland place by impersonating a winger and mowbray is`nt suddenly going to play him centre forward,brockhall will be such a happy place this season!!!
  18. as fans we need to give it large to mowbray next season,everyone in the ground should be barracking him as soon as the opposition figure out his pitiful tactics and score the first goal,we`de had to watch his **** version of football from the telly for a season,i for one am desperate to ewood to give him shedfuls of my considerable ire,**** off back to the north east you ****
  19. i often feel sorry for gallagher,he`s played in a position thats out of his skillset and makes him look worse than he is,if you played him at centre forward with a smaller player behind or off him he`d thrive,sadly though we`ve got a right prop as a manager who plays everyone out of position,if venkys suddenly decided to give him 200 million quid for a promotion drive,we`de still be the same dull plodders that we are today
  20. chances are we`ll be in the lower half of the table with these two here anyway so we might as well cash in,can`t see us going down because there will be four or five sides that will be even worse than us,tony probably sees it that way as well and will be content to see out another blank season i can tell you with a depressive,haunted,dreadful feeling that if we do sell ben and armstrong,mowbray will sign the yates from blackpool,play dolan through the middle and have gallagher and the lad from blackpool(yates)out wide😢,it would be so tony!!!
  21. id`e sell him in an instant if we can recoup most of what was spent on him,nice lad who tries his heart out,but he`s a long way from even looking the business in the championship let alone the top league
  22. criticism is definately mowbrays achilles heel,he`s got a massively self important opinion of his managerial ability,it could be the key to him resigning in a strop if and when the crowd get to him next season,i honestly don`t think many of us will put up with what we saw on the pitch last season
  23. my thoughts to,he ran into some good positions but they seemed to ignore him,maybe they don`t like outsiders in chile
  24. pne fans are obsessesive in their hatred of us😀i think it`s the fact they need someone to hate because no one seems to notice them,the archetypal nothing club who`ve been in the wilderness since the 1960`s
  25. looks a lot better player when he`s in a more advanced role,presumably thats why he was bought,imo though he`s in a happier enviroment and with a manager who gives him a defined role,this is a damning indictment on our manager and i would`nt be surprised if ben wants a move away after working under a good coach
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