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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. there is now,i feel real,optimism for brereton that he can carry on improving,a proper manager with an attacking outlook would do wonders for him,mowbray out by the way!!!!
  2. it will get more heated as the tournament progresses,chileans despise argentina and uruguay,who don`t like paraquay,brazil and argentina hate each other and everyone it seems hate the columbians,stick them all together and you`ve got a few red cards down when the knockout stage happens!!
  3. moggasaurous won`t be to impressed by bens forceful performance,far to flighty and not enough defensive discipline
  4. ben looks a lot happier and more confident,he`s in a better enviroment obviously
  5. i would`nt put anything past swaggot,the first step would be to inform the press that ewood park is to costly to maintain and is not fit for purpose,no doubt he`d blame the fans citing "the lack of attendence is one of our major concerns and it`s clearly because the ground is dilapidated"(it`s not of course),shuffling us into an idendakit legoland stadium is his favoured plan,especially as the brockhall sale p*****d on his chips,i honestly don`t think pasha or venkys know what is going on,they might not care but swag is running the show for his own self interest
  6. im`e certainly not going to sit there and be a good little boy when the sideways passing,possesion **** goes wrong😡
  7. im`e surprised mowbray has let him go,i did think he`d invite him to join the coaching staff but maybe bennett thinks he`s got a few seasons left in him
  8. this must be the time for some of the u23`s to get a real chance of first team action,otherwise whats the point of the academy
  9. i guarantee he won`t be getting into double figures goal wise if he signs for us,he`ll be shuffled into this false nine bollocks,a bad move for him imo
  10. the european scouting network is where all the expense has gone,it`s one man in a rusty citroen berlingo driving round europe hoping to find a striker who can play wide,i think the van has broken down because our vaunted scouting system aint producing much is it
  11. so basically if we want scouting representation in for example ireland or scandinavia etc,we can`t build up contacts and a scouting system because everything is done by computer,a fookin shambles innit
  12. that would be good,seeing as inevitably we`ll be without the glass ankled ayala
  13. will he score any goals from the wing??,poor lad will turn for training and be told you`re not playing up front,you`re second choice on the wing after gallagher
  14. he also said he fancied his chances against him cos he had grey hair and looked about 60,taught him a lesson did`nt it,i don`t think noble got within tackle distance the who match,rovers 7-1 west ham!!!
  15. bring on other teams players instead of our own,the mowbray way of managing😡
  16. i don` think this postecoglou chap knows what he`s getting himself into tbh,glasgow is`nt like sunny australia with a kickabout every saturday morning.lose two games in a row and they are burning effigies of you
  17. made evans look progressive,which is some achievement,much derided by bolton fans as well,one of them in my local summed him up perfectly,"we might as well play with ten men,cos he does`nt actually do anything apart from look backwards and get rid of the ball,it`s like he`s just been handed a stick of semtex with the clock ticking"
  18. im`e desperate for ben to get on the pitch and make a good impact,im`e even more desperate for the chile manager to bring him on up front and he plays a blinder,it will show what a complete pillock of a manager mowbray is
  19. sounds like he`s another one for the academy,on the negative side,he can`t be that good if he can`t get regular starts for aberdeen
  20. how many more cock ups have there been that hav`nt been disclosed??,really so depressed about the whole situation id`e be willing to administration and relegation to anywhere if it got rid of this lot,there will always be a rovers,whatever division
  21. ignoring all this stat b*****s,the issue with buckley is at the moment,he`s to lightweight and fragile,we`ll never know if he`s going to make it unless he`s loaned out to a lower league team which hopefully will enable him to learn to look after himself on the pitch,being sent to the lower leagues for a few months did wonders for beckham,ferdinand etc,they back properly prepared for first team football.Unfortunately we have a manager who`s a ***** idiot and won`t progress any young player
  22. With respect you haven't read the article and Steve Walsh, seen as one of the greatest recruiters in football right now, is adamant of the use of data and scouting systems in football. The game existed before data because nobody used data. If nobody uses it then everybody is on an equal playing field. If 10 teams are using data analysis and 10 teams aren't I would argue the latter would be at a disadvantage. Again, I must point out that in the example of statistics you are on about, neither Joe nor Andy claimed that this shown Armstrong to be poor and Bell to be a world beater. It is a collection of statistics that show whether we win or lose if an individual player is on the pitch. That is all. I really do not see the beef. is this the same steve walsh who scouted a load of useless,expensive players for everton,then got the sack!!!
  23. tony considers himself progressive but he`s not a good enough manager to get his tactical instructions through to his players,who in turn are not good enough to implement them,hence the winless streaks and soulless performances,imo he gave up 2 seasons ago and now he`s just picking up his considerable wages,so much for an honourable man who said he`d go if he felt he`d reached the end,honourable my ****** a**e
  24. councellar troi to be brought in to use her betazed abilities in a quest to find out why mowbray plays a big clumsy centre forward out wide,if she fails,tuvok will be hired to perform a mind meld!!
  25. hughes excellent scouting outfit found him,as it did with nelsen,he was`nt offered to us,you got to be suspicious if other clubs start hawking players around,if they are any use,why are trying to get rid of them
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