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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. it`s also terrifying that he could get a large wedge of the armstrong money to spend(if he leaves),look what happened the last time he got a large bit of transfer money🤪
  2. the bloke in our street who got hit in the head by a jcb bucket is a better no 9 than brereton and he can`t walk straight or see straight!!!
  3. more of the same next year and the year after....................on the happy side,exeter have scored in the last minute to beat bolton🙂
  4. i`ll be furious if they give johnson another year,he`s a fat,unfit,unmotivated waste of time
  5. mowbray mediocrity will eventually relegate us,if you stand still in football with the same players and the same tactics you`ll end up going downhill
  6. he does`nt like young lads,they are difficult to mowbray.i.e to break ones spirit and individuality
  7. good point,i think he identifies himself more on pep than klopp,but it`s the same result,he is`nt a good enough coach to communicate his team shape,hence thats why we are were we are and it will stay the same until they chop the conceited ****,i really don`t like him anymore
  8. if i was`nt so cynical id`e say he was sticking two fingers up at the fans by coming out with this garbage,it`s a surreptitious way of saying "**** you lot,im`e not getting sacked so i can make completely stupid statements,the social media mob love me anyway,so it proves im`e doing a good job" im`e convinced this is the way his mindset is at the moment,it will change next season though,when he gets abuse from the bb end and riverside,he`ll change into defensive mode and make out all the critics are uneducated about the game
  9. my pne supporting work mate is desperately hoping they appoint him😲
  10. he`s playing in a poor team with a manager who has`nt got a clue how to get best out of him remember,if he`d gone to anyone in the top six,the press would be slavering over him
  11. it was a lot more exciting under mackay though,we played some excellent stuff and he did`nt have much money to spend either
  12. it`ll be quiet at ewood next year,i`ll turn up to give mowbray his well earned criticism but im`e expecting crowds of 8/9 thousand🤔
  13. cook doing garbage at ipswich,they need mowbray to take them on a journey,they love him down there as well
  14. he certainly is`nt getting sacked now😥more likely will get a bigger flag
  15. got to make an impression has`nt he,probably got wind that the indians are watching today
  16. i too thought johnson would be a good signing,he`s been very disapointing,unfit and unmotivated a lot of the time,he won`t be missed by me
  17. it would be mowbrayesque if bell got a new deal and started next season as the regular left back while harry pickering is picked out of position😆
  18. happy clapping should be punishable by being forced to listen to mowbray non stop for 24 hours
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