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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. he`s thinking "bridlington or whitley bay for his retirement home"
  2. this time next season we`ll be chanting "he`s takin us down,he`s takin us down,mowbrays a w*****r,he`s takin us down"
  3. at the moment mowbray is on a freeroll,no nasty fans to remind him he`s a useless plank of a manager
  4. and anonymous,he`s quick corry evans,another one who does`nt actually do anything
  5. im`e not even contemplating next season yet,the mogadon **** will still be here and it`s to depressing to even think about it
  6. on a big wide pitch like hillsborough and with the amount of pace in our side,we should be giving them all sorts of trouble
  7. evans and trybull must be the most insipid midfield pairing in the history of the football league
  8. whats tony doing,is he rallying the troops with urgent gestures and shouts
  9. lot of fuss over nothing,it`s all about identity and performanc after all,those goals just detract us from our journey
  10. two fingers up to any young lad in the u23`s as well,what better time to give one of them a chance,really begining to dislike moggasaurous immensely
  11. we`ll certainly put our foot on the ball,it just won`t be passed forwards,apparently according to our sage mowbray ,we`ll be struggling to deal with callum patterson😆,ffs how far have we fallen
  12. i think our tony has a massive ego in the managerial sense and compares himself to the very top level,of course he is`nt very good and when it does`nt go right,he blames everyone and everything else for his shortcomings,he`s well shoehorned in at rovers,it`s a dream job for him,only way we`ll be rid is if he either dies,decides himself that he wants to go or some club even more insane than ours decides they want him
  13. i actually hope it happens,it`ll be a clean slate,all the greed will be in one league and eventually they`ll all turn on each other for bigger slices of the money,chuck them out of their leagues and let them play each other time after time and season after season,it`ll soon get boring
  14. i wonder if there will be rule changes,i.e 4 quarters of 20 minutes to boost advertising,kick off times to suit the japanese and american audiences,abolishing offsides,widening the nets for more goals,bonus points awarded for mvp`s,footballs that explode into glitter at the final whistle,robot referees and of course the obligatery cheerleaders
  15. change for a reason is a good thing(cricket at that time needed to modernise) in this instance it`s all about greed and the financiers who are overseeing this charade are completely oblivious to how disastrous it`s going to be for them
  16. arsenal have tagged along with the big 5 as well,i take it they`ll be the franchise that finishes bottom every year
  17. oh wicked,juventus vs atletico madrid from the kind faahad stadium,it`s not for me,id`e sooner watch nelsen vs bacup borough in the pouring rain😉
  18. the game is nothing without fans and there won`t be that many flying round europe every week
  19. if they want to form their own league fine,just remove them from their own respective competitions,i guarantee viewing figures and attendances will fall when you`ve no domestic rivalry and when playing meaningless euro league matches occurs,in other words call their bluff,kick them out and lets see how long this euro league lark last,i predict not long
  20. in`e thoroughly expecting mowbray,through his telegraph and facebook groupies,to try and spin out that the season has in fact been a success,despite challenging times everyone in the club is united and our journey continues,they`ll also be mentions of blackburn not being able to compete with the behemoths of barnsley and brentford and we should be grateful that tony is here
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