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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. defensively england are very poor and will always be caught out when playing against the best,our defensive capability ended with rio,terry,cole and neville,there has`nt been an england defender iv`e trusted since the the above all retired,kyle walker especially should`nt be anywhere near the national side,he`s a liabilty who can`t work out when to go forward or stay back
  2. thats mowbray to a tee,negative in every aspect of the game and purveyor of most boring rovers side iv`e ever had the misfortune to watch and one which does`nt even get results on being boring,if it did i would`nt be so nonplussed about the whole mowbray regime
  3. garner a better all round footballer than both of them,though in mowbrays side he`d have ended up on the wing on the rare occasion he got picked,he`d have clashed with mowbray over his off the field habits no doubt,i don`t think there is much tolerance for individuality in tony`s dressing room got to smile when i imagine mowbray trying to manage some of our maverick players,he`d have to go the therapy dealing with the likes of todd,speedie,bellamy,keeley etc
  4. we`ve got a lot of young players with potential,they just need a manager who can get the best out of them and shape a team with them,mowbray out
  5. get prepared for journeys,possesion,working class values and other assorted gumph at full time!!!!!!!
  6. can`t think of a worse season than this,saxton and mackay had a few barron seasons and kean and coyle were both useless,but at least there was a semblence of attacking,this is just the most pointless way of playing football iv`e ever seen,there is just no plan of action
  7. he`s gone,i can smell it,i love the smell of a manager dismisal at 5.30 pm!!
  8. sheff wed and rotherham both winning,which is a bit worrying seeing as we probably won`t win again this season,think we might just hang on though🤫
  9. theres 45 minutes left yet and iv`e watched enough mowbray rovers to know it can turn around pretty quickly!!!!!!!!
  10. i don`t know what kind of character gallagher is but if it was me,id`e be knocking on mowbrays door asking to be listed
  11. tony does`nt do strikers or wingers,they are all a bunch of flighty types that can`t be trusted🤒
  12. id buckley is playing c/f,false 9 or whatever,whats he doing with dolan
  13. if it`s the actual case then it`s rank bad management,the lad needs proper coaching in his best position,not throwing to the wolves against a really good side in a position that alien to him
  14. cos he`s a confused individual who thinks he`s the equal of pep in the tactics stakes
  15. brereton has been mia since the cheque was signed,more ability in elliots bootlace than there is in breretons whole being
  16. if you are picking brereton instead of elliot it`s further proof you are now clinically insane and should be removed from your position and be placed in the avendale ward of royal preston hospital
  17. presumably davenport is injured not heard any updates on him,though tbh i don`t think tony has ever rated him,never been a consistent pick for him
  18. tony will be retiring to his beloved middlesborough mansion when his pension pot is full enough
  19. that midfield is lightweight to the point of being painful to look at,norwich could well just bulldoze their way through
  20. our present teams performances are a mirror image of the manager
  21. tony has always been one to consider the opposition rather than have them worry about us,it rarely works because you have to have a solid defence to set up like that,we hav`nt had a solid defence since big sam`s days
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