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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. tony has really outstayed his welcome now i think,we are only going to go backwards if he carries on,five seasons is long enough to get the club going forward,we are basically back to where we were when he started,chances are he is now just playing out his contract,im`e beginning to question his much vaunted honourable status as a man
  2. we should have been promoted that season,if i remember correctly we were top of the league at christmas and beat leeds on boxing day to solidify it,sadly injuries and fatigue took their toll and without any money to bring in reinforcements we tailed off with to many draws and not enough goals,happened a lot in the 80`s,we were so skint they used to fix the crowd figures and only put the floodlights on low,great times though,important games always saw the blackburn end full
  3. my idea of a balanced side,brereton(or whoever is the second striker to drop back in midfield if we are under the cosh) far to simple for moggasaurous though🙄
  4. please don`t say things like that!!😷,im`e hoping a heavy defeat will see him gone,kind of like having a wisdom tooth extracted,you`re in relentless pain but when it`s taken out the blessed relief that the pain has gone!!
  5. i feel for any young kid coming into the first team set up,mowbray sucks the life and spirit out of you,it`s plain to see
  6. caligula was assinated by those he trusted,not saying they should kill him but maybe a slight betrayal would`nt go amiss by those who work with him,ben benson the ultimate betrayor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. tony has shot it but he was nowhere near kean levels of incompetence,it`s just his refusal to admit his time is up thats annoying everyone
  8. final thought for tonight is he said he would quit if he was becoming a burden,well it`s gone past that tony,you are now officially an irritant
  9. he thinks there is nothing fundamentally wrong and we`ll start turning possesion into goals,it mus`nt register that to score goals you have to actually have an attacking plan🙄
  10. pay 5 million quid for a big centre forward,who now according to tony has does`nt score goals from crosses,well he fucking can`t score goals from crosses if he`s out wide can he,ramblings of a man who`s run out of ideas and motivation imo
  11. our scouting network is a european based system that im`e convinced does`nt exist,if it did it we would`nt be loaning has been left backs and teenage centre backs
  12. i think i`ll break down and cry if we beat norwich,not in joy but in despair that mowbray`s journey will continue
  13. discontent fans and noisy criticism would prick his vanity imo,he`s not one to take it to well,from the way he speaks to the press you can tell he thinks anyone who doubts him are stupid and unknowledgeable
  14. i can guarantee mowbray(if he`s still here) will not have such an easy ride in front of fans next season
  15. it looks great with the right personel,tony thinks our lot are as good as peps i think!!
  16. even the telegraph and facebook fans boys will have a job defending this one
  17. i been watching the womens tennis from california,they look nice and you varying bits of excitement,completely different from watching us,it must be bad if im`e prepared to watch womens tennis instead of football!!!!!!!!!!
  18. coming up to the hour mark,subs will be marched on like a cavalry charge
  19. we are nice though and very polite,in pub parlance we`de be the fellow who came in a 7pm,ordered half a mild,sat on his own with a bag of crisps and took 2 hours to finish his drink while bothering no one
  20. im`e not sure brereton would thrive under any manager,he looks like he`d be out of place playing sunday morning on pleasington
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