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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. reminiscent of ince,it was clear no one liked him,kean,just a complete buffoon and coyle,also a raving idiot,if you can`t maintain or get the players respect,then it`s over,goodnight and goodbye
  2. the philosophy that he`s always harping on about,values,honesty,journeys and all that bollocks,it would be jolted if angry fans started venting at him,he would`nt be able to take it, he hates criticism and it would be to much for him to take
  3. i think mowbray is a bit vain in his football philosophy,this vanity would be hurt badly by unhappy fans venting their ire and could tip him over the edge,it`s the only way he`s going and he`s extremely lucky that none of those can be there to voice our anger
  4. it`s getting to the point of me wanting us to lose to hasten mowbrays demise,exactly like the kean era,where i almost felt like cheering for the other side,not a nice situation to be in
  5. ifollow can stick their tenner where the sun don`t shine after this
  6. tony mowbray is no fine wine he`s lost his mind with our defensive line he sat in his seat,what a fete staring lazily at another defeat!!!!!!
  7. he is`nt going anywhere,only way he`s leaving is if he decides to resign(unlikely) or he takes offence at the fans cries of disconent(not likely to happen till next season)
  8. tony had been outthought by yet another manager,i think a corpse could out manage ours
  9. nyambe just fell off his couch laughing,at least tony can`t blame him for that one
  10. i think he`s lost the dressing room and now he`s just desperate for results to try and get some credibility back,hence the scattergun tactics
  11. well we arn`t losing,thats the only positive i can take out of that half
  12. players to mowbray "are we working on shape for the next game boss" tony "no it does`nt matter,we`re good enough to beat anybody" players "i really think we should boss,we`re confused about the gameplan tony "ok,i`ll watch the opposition and get back to you" players "it`s saturday morning boss,how are we going to line up tony "oh i forgot about that,i`ll get back to you at 2 o clock"
  13. if barnsley up the pace we won`t be able to cope,they look organised we look like 11 blokes from the pub
  14. where had mowbray deposited himself,does`nt look like he`s on the bench
  15. gallagher playing on the flank and tommorow the sun will rise as well
  16. rovers nowhere to be seen,the lads have gone on strike and won`t move till tony is sacked!!!!!!!!
  17. it`s most likely that tony has suddenly had a 3/5/2 epiphany on tuesday night and he sprung it on the players this morning
  18. as far as i know,tony has never played 3/5/2,he`s just picked a formation for the sake of it
  19. secure all the hatches fellow roverites,this is going to be a rough ride🥺🥺
  20. douglas and bennet as wing backs,a disaster waiting to happen,three centre backs,none of who has much speed and two 18 year olds,another disaster about to ensue
  21. iv`e never been a fan of playing a back three,unless they are all top class it`s to easy to get behind
  22. gallagher apparently up front with armstrong,captain fantastic bennett back and nyambe rather predictably dropped for harwood bellis who`s in a back three consisting of extremely slow centre backs
  23. lol,the legendary mowbray journey,by the time it`s finished i`ll be dead and we still won`t be in the premier league😇
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