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Everything posted by simongarnerisgod

  1. love his reverse physchology in taking off the goalscorer and provider right away,tony does`nt half do some strange things at odd times
  2. a win is a win,somehow we managed 3 points,this kaminski is a class act and brings a calming effect on his two centre backs,completely the opposite of walton
  3. buckley is never going to make it,if you can`t control a football and need so much time on the ball it is`nt going to work out for you at a professional level
  4. good man management from our glorious leader there,rothwell scores and then gets hooked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. can we put aside the buckley is a future star argument now please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. never seen a rovers side so disorganised,they truly do not know their jobs,even in keans side the players knew their job,they just did`nt want to play for the ****
  7. trybull has been in the cold since he threw a strop after getting subbed at stoke(i would have done one to,seeing as he playing really well)
  8. i know for certain that warnock will have boro fired up in the 2nd half and we`ll go the opposite
  9. this formation really is`nt working,there is no other option for anyone other than to pass it square or back,it`s so slow a sunday league side could defend against it
  10. he`d be first choice for me,which says a lot for our defensive recruitment,we can`t even afford to buy a player from crewe ffs
  11. you don`t often get away with that,bloody lucky there,warnock will be apoplectic!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. if mowbray wanted to start with 3 holding midfielders why is trybull not on????
  13. away from home id`e rather sit back and hit them on the break,the pace of dolan,armstrong and elliots killer final pass would rip the smoggies apart,get it right and we`de run amok here,boro are functionall but not great
  14. that left hand side is worrying,rothwell has never played well there and douglas is shocking
  15. bit silly having no centre back as sub,even if it`s a reserve player,johnson is usually ****** after half time,i would`nt want to rely on him at centre back if something bad happens
  16. judging by his simpering podcast/interview he`s deffo under pressure and losing badly today would put him in on the way to a p45,however,in the past when we`ve been on a bad run,he`s always pulled himself out of the **** by getting a couple of decent results,i think we`ll win the today,leaving tony in clover,proclaiming some **** about reaching the play offs
  17. i remember when dundee utd and aberdeen ruled the scottish premier league,dundee utd would have got to play liverpool in the european cup final if it was`nt for a bent referee,the jocks used to have some fantastic players
  18. when the excuses and bull**** start flying it`s a sign a manager is under pressure,tony has never done these type of interviews and podcasts in the past,he`s definately feeling it,my thought is the players,at least some of them are in revolt,word has probably got upstairs to swag and/or venkys have been in touch wondering where their millions they gave to mowbray has gone,swag has panicked and put the thump screws on mowbray,demanding results improve,i fully expect mowbray to have get sacked or resign in the coming month,tone is toast
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