Friends and family up north have already said they’re not bothering with a season ticket next season. Today’s genuinely the first time I’ve considered not watching anymore since about 2011-12. I entirely stopped engaging for about 18 months or so, living abroad.
Today has been a bit of an eye-opener, on a personal level. Was a little nervous this morning, wondering about the lineup, wondering what Eustace would be trying to capitalise on, while trying to look at it rationally, that Derby are relegation fodder and a mid-table league one side in a championship stadium. Essentially put off a bunch of important stuff due to fretting about this. Did the odd bit, here and there but it’s taken about 9 hours of my day so far. And I’ll get up now and dawdle about a bit, maybe have SNF on in the background and do something else in the flat, but it’ll still be there. And tomorrow, just as it was yesterday, Thursday and Wednesday before.
And that’s me as a relative armchair fan. Think about the 2700 that travelled. Maybe a handful live locally or local-enough that the journey isn’t hours each way. But they all turned up, prioritised it over other things. For what?
We turn up, we tune in and the people in charge cop out. There are people that have made millions out of this club while achieving nothing. The decision makers haven’t watched a game in a decade. And we’re still turning up every week, buying the shirts, the tickets, the poorly-poured pints, the hospitality, the pies, the Bovril and all the bullshit they spout.
And they’re laughing at us. They’re laughing at us not being able to get a protest together for over ten years (25 tennis balls, aside). Laughing at us arguing with each other that no other person in the world would buy and finance us as the current owners do. Laughing at us when they’ve sold our best assets for medium-sized bucks and invested virtually nothing, before telling us they’ve “made significant investment.” Laughing at us when they say that if we want safe standing, we’ll need to crowdfund it. Laughing at us when they’ve talked about how impressive it was to have paid all our bills.
Post-match, we’re all prone to hyperbole, but I think - for the rest of this season, at least - that’s me done.