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Everything posted by Bethnal

  1. I only expect to see 100% effort and commitment. It’s not in our hands but the one thing that is, is throwing absolutely everything at this game. COYB
  2. On the topic; did I have a fever dream or did I read somewhere that one of the Venky’s sons is being groomed for the CEO job? Talk about “better the devil you know.”
  3. Let’s hope he’s just throwing down the gauntlet.
  4. Yeah, he’s been absolutely fine in the majority of matches and served ably as cover when Kaminski was out, but the past few especially, I think he’s been beyond suspect at set pieces and not exactly imperious otherwise. Kaminski has his faults, but not so long ago, we and a lot of commentators thought he was one of the best keepers in the division. I’d see if there’s interest in Pears and turn a profit on him in the summer, he’s not a long-term solution for us.
  5. While it’s not unfair to make this comparison (“results-based business” as they do often say), I think it’s not to be understated just how dysfunctional we are as a club. It’s not good for a business to be funded indiscriminately, without any real oversight at the executive level and for those with actual power over the organisation (the owners) to be so disinterested in the organisation’s main focus. It’s that which leads to the underperformance at the tail end of the season here, after having created the situation where three starters walk on free transfers. Which is to say: new manager; 4 starters gone (including Van Hecke); first time with a DoF since Kenny(?); three academy graduates making debuts; new captain, due to the old one walking on a free… I think we all expected to struggle to mid-table and I certainly did. Compound that with a catastrophic failure of the creaking, feckless club administration (I don’t level blame at Broughton for deadline day failings) in January, I think it has been an improvement in a number of ways, because the potential is clearer. Mowbray lost interest in the job a few seasons ago with the “it’s not the 90s anymore” guff. He was telling people to leave for the bright lights of Sunderland by the end! I don’t think what he’d built is in anyway comparable to the foundations JDT has tried to lay down.
  6. I’m a fan, but there’s little to praise in the last nine games. Not one for excuses but no striker and no centre mid in January leaves us stretched and without guile. As a run-in, chasing playoffs, it’s very disappointing. As a season on the whole, he’s done well with what he has. Some might not like it after ten years plus out of the top division, but it’s a restoration project after being left to rot for a while. Suffice it to say, I don’t level all blame at him and I wouldn’t be pleased to see the back of him at all.
  7. I’d honestly dock a day’s wage for every corner that doesn’t beat the first man. So common in football now, it’d never happen if they lost a day every time it did.
  8. A lot of their players don’t look up for this, it’s a big opportunity. It’s likely only naïveté that will stop us taking and there’s a lot of that in this team. If we get one and press the matter, we could get a lot, their players are already thinking about playoffs. Christ, Rovers are frustrating.
  9. This is better. Still need a bit of bravery/incision, in front of goal, but it’s better.
  10. Resolved to do something better with my bank holiday Monday, but here I am, sat on my own in the flat, getting excited and thinking, “win here and we’re gonna make it.” I will never learn and I hate that but I also love it.
  11. To be fair, I’ve heard from someone that knows them that attitude has long been an issue. Not a dickhead by any stretch, just not a very hard worker/doesn’t apply himself.
  12. Small consolation, admittedly, but we developed that one ourselves and for all their parachute millions and much-vaunted “elite manager in the making” the best they could come up with at half time was “kick him.” Too good for them and looked unfazed while being so, one in a long line of players we’ve brought through. Best they’ve ever brought through is one-in-four charity case Jay Rodriguez, I believe.
  13. I suspect Trav has hit his particular ceiling, unless there’s something hidden that I’ve not seen, so we need an improvement there. Gritty, haggard, loud, strong. Playoffs have to be the target, it’s totally achievable.
  14. God, I’m in love with the idea of Jesse Marsch managing them. Ted Lasso’ing his way to the lowest points total in Premier League history.
  15. Season over, I don’t see how a team recovers from watching their closest rivals winning the league on their home pitch. I hope Ashley Barnes finds himself destitute in later life. I hope he ends up alone, depressed and utterly destitute. Got to be the among my least favourite people of all time.
  16. You don’t stop those, but then you don’t get them scrabbling around the bargain bins we have to. Burnley are flush with Premiership television money and we are what happens when you take a club away from the Premiership for over a decade. It’s a sickener, it’s worst-case-scenario to watch your fiercest rivals crowned champions on your own ground, it’s undeserved, frankly, but it’s not entirely unexpected.
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