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Everything posted by Bethnal

  1. It's real amateur-hour stuff not to have tech staff testing around kick-off and in advance of it. In theory, this is a ten-minute fix on the Rovers end, but I doubt Rovers are even aware there's an issue. Poor Twitter admin will be getting so much grief.
  2. What happened there? Saw a brief glimpse on the coverage but obviously not much shown.
  3. Lenihan was absolutely incredible this evening, looked every bit the captain of a team on the up. Excellent distribution throughout. Could definitely have been a banana skin and very pleased it didn’t end up being one. No doubt they’ll have been glad of the rest but I suspect the jitters we saw had something to do with the Hull game, which must have really thrown the momentum. Hopeful that this result starts The Big Mo back up. Travis does look a bit off his game, admittedly but I don’t think he’s ready to be discarded. Needs to work on his touches and decisions. Takes too many touches when he receives the ball and doesn’t keep the ball flowing. He can curb that and I hope he does because the rest of his game is important to us. Anyone fancy a trip to Wembley end of May?!
  4. Sky, after the game. Not sure if they’re showing again on SSN or not, but worth looking at Twitter as well.
  5. I can’t believe I watched all of that. Moreso, I watched his interview and couldn’t believe he didn’t apologise at any point. Even moreso, I’m travelling up to see family this weekend and planning to go on Saturday. What felt like a long overdue visit with an old friend feels like I’ll be heading up for a final visit with a dying relative. What a sad state of affairs the club is.
  6. A lot’s been said here that I mainly agree with. Poor showing. The thing that stood out today was how poor we were with the ball at our feet in transition. Lots of players with their heads down. Notable exceptions were Buckley generally and one pass in particular, plus a few other moments. Ball control and distribution looks really poor at the minute. The mind boggles at what Professor Mowbray is teaching them in the week.
  7. Not a fan of the team constantly recycling possession all the way back to Kaminski to punt it long against a team of relative giants. Lots of dawdling in the middle and at the back, which is why Rothwell and Clarkson stood out today. Both Gallagher and Brereton like it to feet although Gallagher can’t really do that much with his. Just strikes me as them not being coached very much. Not much thought going into the system abs the style of play, but we already know all this, I guess.
  8. All the time wasting, all the “didn’t see it” bits though, seem a lot more pointed than Millwall.
  9. Difficult to understand how this ref isn’t on the take.
  10. Yeah, it’s kind of a diamond but the shape is pretty amorphous, it just keeps shifting into no shape at all. Too many long balls and not enough structure to win second balls.
  11. He’s had a shocker there but the defence have looked really disorganised this half.
  12. Not a lovely watch, but a lovely result. Some really great performances. Ayala, Carter, Chapman, Gallagher. Encouraging to grind it out and not crumble when we concede a well-struck effort. We were unlucky that the ref seemed timid as Forest were leaving a foot in, but we battled through that period and bounced back once we conceded. Lot of grit and determination, really pleasing to see.
  13. If you ever fancy it on the off-chance, hopefully we’ll have a little group attending games.
  14. If I can hold out a little longer, I remain confident of bringing Zuckerberg down, so it’s a pass for now. Whatever happened to email?!
  15. No better advert for BRFCS in “transfer mode” than me right now. This afternoon I was quietly commenting that there were question marks around Obafemi’s professionalism. I’ve read this thread today, watched one YouTube video and am now beginning to think £7m to kill the other interest is necessary.
  16. Totally agree, there’s nothing to say a situation at one club will repeat at another, but the bit about “playing one good game” is a worry. I think a lot of young players have a good game or a spell and become disenchanted that they haven’t nailed down a spot. If he comes to us, I hope it’s a positive for him and he can knuckle down and put the graft in. Still worth noting. I’ve seen another where the player himself admits he could be more professional, which I think is just about positive to see. Knowing you can do better is a strong attribute to have, if you want to succeed.
  17. https://www.footballtransfertavern.com/southampton-fc-news/saints-michael-obafemi-hasenhuttl-st-marys/ Seen a few articles kicking around like this.
  18. I had a look for it but couldn’t see anything active online anymore.
  19. Apologies if this is in the wrong bit, wasn’t sure where to put it. Not many this year (and I’ll probably give Millwall this weekend a miss) but for the very few games that are London/South East: is there any coordination for stragglers like me left without any match day buddies?
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