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Everything posted by JAL

  1. What an example for everyone in pressing for the ball, not only pressing but genuinely attempting to get the ball, a massive difference to the premier league wimps we see week in week out. Creating triangles when under pressure in a forward movement, O, how us English could learn from that.
  2. Thank ferk for football that the worldsmost in debt team lost. And La Liga is the best league in Europe !
  3. We've got to remember a lot of the current players are probabaly leaving in the summer so who would he be causing trouble with ? wouldnt be suprised to see Barton and Nolan starting in Rovers midfield but if either of these scousers were any good you'd have thought Everton or Liverpool would have snapped them up. Wouldnt say it would be a disaster, unless the board gave him plenty of cash, because Barton should be starting right at the bottom again and looking to build himself up.
  4. I championed him before, but not now, theres something seriously wrong with Joey Barton, I totally agree with you RoyRover on Barton.
  5. Eddie, City started off well then just before xmas it started to go horribly wrong, you say it was the owners fault, but was it really? he started off well for England who was at fault in the end, the FA ? On both counts it leans towards Sven rather than his employers. Does Sven have that genuine motivation to succeed still, more importantly will the players of today and tomorrow still listen and respect Sven, for me the two just wont go together to make a success of things thats why for me hes finished. Yes, of course Sven understands football and tactics but who doesnt, Adams and Ince would claim the same. Club management could only support Sven to be successful provided it was he, who had more money to spend than his rivals - how different is Sven to the rest ?.
  6. What a disgrace Ferguson and McGregor are to Scotland, I'm not Scttish, but watching the petulant V signs being made on Sky Sports news is embarrassing, both should be thrown out of football completely. How old are they, Scotland will do alot better without these big kids in and around their team.
  7. Is it a Brummie thing or a Bolton thing Waggy, understand the Bolton thing Waggy. I was like you Waggy anti-Allardyce, anti-Bolton, but after last night he came across as the right man at the right time for the Blackburn Rovers job. They all talk about the importance of timing in life and after last night, gut instinct tells me, this could well be the right time for Big Sam and Rovers football club, each benefitting from one another. The replacement for Cruz wasnt there during January come the summer though its going to happen. Keep faith Waggy there will be mistakes along the way but not the mistakes of the Paul Ince level. To tease big Sam or put down a challenge to him we could take the viewpoint and say, 'go on Sam, we dont think you've got it in you, show us what you can do and watch the results'. Sorry Eddie hes living off his past that is so so long ago, hes finished, time to move on and give the young hungrier model a chance. Oops! no offence intended Nancy.
  8. Waggy you should have been at Rovers last night to listen to Sam Allardyce, Svens been very fortunate in is career and ended up in the glamour lights. Lats night Big Sam came across as twice the man Sven is in all shapes and forms of football. Big Sam has vision, energy and hunger to do well his light is still burning, unlike Svens, his light went out a long time ago.
  9. Come on Rovers now is the time to cash in on Benni MaCarthy hes got to go and hopefullly a big NO to Robbie Howler!
  10. The drummer was sat in the riverside towards the Darwen end on saturday, obviously hes been run out of the Blackburn end disappointed for the lad because he obviously tried to generate an atmosphere but was hounded down, Sad, his heart was in the right place.
  11. Its time to cash in, say thank you, and move on regarding Benni. Failing to do so is a missed opportunity bordering on mismanagement providing a bid does come in, maybe the mods could put out a poll on the matter.
  12. I think BRAD Friedel should be put in the Lucaassh category.
  13. The scenario i'd like to see is Abramovich or a.n.other raise the financial stakes even further than the £1.5b currently reported between the two clubs and blow Manchester United out of the footballing water completely. Purely because they (Man U) have grown so big, easily the biggest supported club on this planet that many UK football teams wont be able to compete against them in the future.
  14. The Glazers for me are still in a win win situation for the next couple of years at least because of the age and quality of the Manchester United squad. United are guaranteed success for the next couple of seasons at the minimum, so the money will keep rolling in buying the Glazers important time to plan a successful exit strategy. Remember they have a gold mine in Ronaldo(£50m+) and still the squad would be more than able to continue and cope in the premier league without him. We need Chelsea to win this European cup because United are growing into a monster that could quite easily gobble us all up.
  15. Is losing that explosive edge not linked with fitness or level of fitness?
  16. Mozzer, Dunny has struggled with his fitness over this last period of the season, i feel i can relate to Dunny's injury his back because its something that i suffer from, after as much rehab you can possibly do, core stability exercises you do with as much rest as you can possibly have the problem is still... always there. The impact is that it will always affect on your speed and strength work which is what i see in Dunnys play he has less of an impact on the field of play. If he didnt have this problem i'm sure absolutely sure he would be a far better player and one whose fully capable of playing for and dominating the midfield for Blackburn Rovers. But for me his fitness problems will always be ongoing, he'll never be fully fit, we'll never see a fully fit Dunny, he might come and say differently to put a brave face on things but for me he always has to be better than the opposition thats why for me he has to go - he needs to drop down a level .
  17. Rovers struggled he struggled when he was down the middle or wide left, only in the early months of the season did he look up to standard as the opposition players began to find their fitness and catch up and surpass Dunny's - he isnt good enough, just like Duffer, i just cant see how many of you fail to see it, i really dont. Fair play to your loyalty though.
  18. I cant think anything else other than that because he isnt that good or maybe the pro Dunny camp have blue and white tinted glasses far more than me. I'll begin to worry if Hughes keeps hold of Mokoena and Dunny come the new season then i'll be barking alright.
  19. He only won them because everyone was so so so desperate for the lad, reality was, is, it isnt sustainable and no one more than me from day one has echoed that Dunny simply isnt good enough. Dunny's body has looked like my girlfriends in fact i'd say she can run faster, hes a saleable asset Hughes should be looking to improve the squad not sitting on his arse thinking Dunny can do a job for him next season, for me squad player at best and definitely not the potential player he was when he first broke through into the first team many moons ago. Dunn has got to go!!!
  20. Agree, and so can the same can be said about David Dunn he isnt the same player he was as his body cant take it, sad but true.
  21. You'd have thought Rovers had learnt their lesson from bringing the struggling David Dunn back than go for another struggling Duffer, i'd like to think that Rovers are a progressive club thus ruling out any return for Duffer.
  22. Lets try and take the blue and white tinted glasses off and we see one team heading for European and domestic glory and a mid table team ( ONLY 4 ATTEMPTS AT GOAL playing at home) seemingly just about coping, who are you going to give the majority coverage to, i know who i'd plum for as an independent. We all know the team played really well, we are all extremely pleased and proud of how they performed but from a wider perspective Rovers need to acheive more on the field as in results in order to get the plaudits thats only fair lets not get too carried away or begin to feel paranoid.
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