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Nuttall is lost

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Everything posted by Nuttall is lost

  1. Remember he came on loan in April 1995? A so called coup at the time. He played one game against West ham and was poor and never got another minute.
  2. I only mentioned his name Wednesday night that Hughes would be a great appointment as he was unemployed for 4 years and almost the forgotten man in management. Then out of nowhere he goes to Bradford when I wake up yesterday morning. If Mowbray goes then there aren;t many replacements lined up: Pulis Keane Ranieiri Martin O'Neill Espirito Santo Anyone else?
  3. Yeah his body language was poor. Moping around. The thing with the penalty was this and its a mistake I see a lot of strikers make. They put the ball down on the spot too early and allow the keeper to delay the taking with his gamesmanship. All the time the pressure building and time to overthink. He should have picked the ball up and walked away and only put the ball on the spot once the keeper had stopped acting the bollox and returned to his line. Then hit it without delay.
  4. Khadra was shite. The penalty was awful. and his all round play was poor. That foul throw as well. How can a professional footballer not throw in correctly!?
  5. I'd get Mark Hughes back as manager if Mowbray bolloxes this up
  6. Glenn Hoddle, Walter Smith, Martin O'Neill, True. Can't think of too many names from the UK at that time. Walter Smith, Ruud Gullit or Glenn Hoddle maybe. Graeme Souness but his stock was rock bottom after Liverpool. And the piece de resistance Big Ron.
  7. There's definitely more to it than he has ever said. Apparently he said he decided to step down long before he did and felt no conflicting emotions. To me it doesn;t add up. I have a theory he fell out with Walker about the Geoff Thomas deal in 1992 and got the hump. My other theory is Dalglish cant handle pressure and bails out when he feels it. His sides were prone to choking. The FA Cup Final 1988, the final day of the 1989 season, the 1990 FA Cup semi final against Palace. With Blackburn he almost blew missing the playoffs in 1992, and then almost threw the league away in 1995 from a strong position. Maybe he couldn't face humiliation in Europe or the pressure of trying to repeat the success. He informed the club the Friday after the title win he was stepping down. Jeez. At least enjoy it for a while.
  8. I read Dalglish's book (have yet to read My Liverpool Home), which is a poor book. Very little insight or behind the scenes stories in it, just a quick gloss over summary of the title win. His explanations to why he stood down make little sense to me. He wanted no more day to day stuff he said yet took the Newcastle job. Apparently later on he confessed he wanted to go back to Liverpool but that makes no sense either as Roy Evans was doing well at Liverpool and there was no vacancy or potential vacancy. It was a bizarre decision.
  9. What kind of funds are there for new players in the two scenarios? Going up and staying in the graveyard?
  10. Couldn;t do it over Zoom no? Gretta Thunberg will not be happy.
  11. Paul Gascoigne was available that summer and Ferdinand. Both would have been attainable. Kanchelskis also. Steve Bruce would have filled the Tony Gale role for a year. Its an absolute head scratcher how nobody was brought in.
  12. Don't get the booing. Be like Man Utd fans booing Dennis Law or Celtic fans booing Henrik Larsson. There should be a statue of Shearer outside the ground.
  13. I didn't say they were. I said they were labelled as a one man team. But Shearer was by far the main driver for the success of the team since the promotion in 1992. Yes Walker's money was huge but Walker's money did little after Shearer and Kenny left. At the time Alan Shearer would have been the only member of the title winning team to get into the United team of that season. I am not being disrespectful to the team but that is the truth. The rest of the team were good but Shearer was on another level that pushed them to success they would not have had had the strikers been Newell and Gallacher/Sutton. So genuinely don;t get animosity towards Shearer.
  14. Why? To be fair to him the team was going nowhere under Harford and he was in his pomp. He could see the sinking ship that was Blackburn. The stupid thing is Rover sold Newell at the same time.
  15. Well yes it was Walker's money but Dalglish and Shearer were the ones that drove the success. Walkers money did little after they left. To say Shearer was just one if many is way off. Shearer was the main man and its no coincidence they were labelled a one man team. Without Shearer the team would have been nowhere near the title.
  16. How did people feel when Shearer left? At the time I didn't blame him. Dalglish had gone and the club was in decline and he was the best striker around. Was surprised so many Blackburn fans booed him and took a dislike to him. I thought that was petty and ungrateful. The guy made Blackburn.
  17. Yes Harford played players out of position from the start and started playing Chris Sutton as a centre back
  18. Are Brereton Diaz and Bradley Dack the same person? Has anyone seen them in a room together? They are identical twins. We could confuse the opposition by switching up their jerseys.
  19. Henchoz was ok I suppose but I disagree on Jansen, McAteer and Gillespie. they were nowhere near good enough or they were past it by then anyway to challenge the top of the division. Jansen was a good championship player but not the standard of player the club needed. I know the League Cup goal and all but he wasnt a top striker. Nathan Blake etc.. The list of bad players is as long as Oskar Schindlers
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