I thought, pre Derby, that the only way we'd get a run together would be to try to get back to being tight at the back again,with a defensive 6 +Pears. That's despite it not having really worked for 3 or 4 months.
I was assuming that the players would have actually given a shit, my mistake on that detail.
So, I'm now of a mind that Ismael needs to start kicking a good few up the arse and finding out who actually cares.
I don't really put any blame at Ismael's door for the last 2 "performances", although Dolan would have been the last player I'd have taken off last night, if they all tried as hard as him we'd be in a much better place.
I can't do with sulking in life in general, let alone overpaid tossers who let the club down in the last 2 shitshows.
So, kick some arse Ismael, and don't pull any punches.