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Everything posted by M_B

  1. We can all have any opinion we want, it's the taking as fact that Kaminski would have gained us more points that's the problem. We'll never know, however much people convince themselves.
  2. Full backs will be critical, it's crucial they stop the crosses coming in.
  3. We'll never know if he made the wrong decision, unless you know what the results would have been with Kaminski in goal. I don't know why it's so difficult to accept that Tomasson preferred Pears, it's his job to pick the team and he lives or dies by the results. He preferred Pears and picked him accordingly.
  4. Whether anyone on here preferred Pears is irrelevant, Tomasson preferred him. I know it doesn't sit well with quite a few, but that's his it was.
  5. Cracking result, chuffed for Dolan particularly, and Moran showed why he needs to stay in the team. Don't want to tempt fate here, but Ched Evans must be licking his lips at anything in the air on Friday night, he will just take the lot. Absolutely critical our possession game is on song against Preston, we can't afford to give them cheap possession in dangerous areas. At all costs, we need to stop the crosses.
  6. No, he was talking about Dolan's lack of form, all good debate.
  7. To be fair, I've gone 1-2 on Super 6, can't go against the lads.
  8. Well, I suppose he could break his leg, so it's possible it could all go wrong. But he's played at such a high level compared to Championship, that, as I say, I've no doubt he will come good. I think the lay off has probably caught up with him a bit. You obviously have doubts??
  9. Exactly what we said, it's fair enough to play a winning line up, but he's been off it for the last 3 games. As you say, no doubt he'll come good, but maybe too much too soon.
  10. It's like playing with 10 men with Siggurdson in the team at the moment.
  11. Big thumbs up for the traditional(Dubliners??) version of Wild Rover,what a song, but turn it up a bit.
  12. I've been saying for weeks that some of the criticism aimed at Pears was totally unrealistic, ludicrous even. The way Wahlsted's mistake has been met with such support and empathy only proves that point.
  13. It has to be said, we looked better in the 4 we lost, even the other managers said so.
  14. I thought Markanday was unlucky to get subbed at QPR, he was involved in both goals then got hooked at half time. I was looking forward to seeing him take it to them second half, whoever played on the right second half was always going to make hay.
  15. No,you're right, too many small wingers/midfielders is a common complaint,along with him not having a plan B. Said to a Dingle mate(great lad, proper fan) before a ball was kicked, Burnley's problem this season is that teams will attack you with players who can score goals. Seems obvious, but I just didn't see them having the quality to stop it.
  16. Teams were happy to sit back and hopefully sneak a draw against them last season. This season, teams with far superior players are licking their lips and thinking, we're having this. As Danny Kelly said on Talksport today, they're trying to play a style of football that all the other teams play much better.
  17. A fantastic save near the end, but questions would definitely have been asked if their goal had stood.
  18. Here's the thing though, he set up the winner with a lovely ball. Now tell me what Siggurdson or Szmodics did all game,and yet it's Dolan getting the stick. Give the lad a break, he was as good as anyone at QPR, and he's set up the winner today,in a game where Tronstad is getting great credit for doing the simple things adequately.
  19. Went to the game and surprised at the stick Dolan got on here, he was by far the best forward and a fantastic ball for the winner. If I didn't know different, I'd think some were actually looking for it. Crap game but cracking win. Fantastic save from Wahlstedt from their one shot. Onwards to Millwall, another game with a fag paper between the two teams, another one nil would be great.
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