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Everything posted by M_B

  1. Talking to a Burnley fan earlier, he's paid £15 to park on someone's drive, on top of the ulez charge, that's for Brentford. Seemed like a good option, although I did ask him why he's bothering.
  2. Went up to Hull last season, the game where Travis played right back. Vale came on and played a good chunk of the second half on the right wing. He was on our side of the pitch, and it was noticeable the work he put in to help protect the lead,he really put himself about and played well. I expected him to kick on from there, but as many before him, he failed to take the chance.
  3. The first half lay off for Costello, which almost resulted in a Szmodics goal was as good as you'll see.
  4. Agreed, I haven't seen a selection that involves Markanday yet, I thought he was unfortunate to be subbed after being involved in both goals.Same again for me as well.
  5. Dolan's lay off to set Joe RC away, almost leading to a goal in the first half, was as good as you'll see anywhere. Hopefully it's welcome back TD.
  6. It was a cracking win, even better when you consider Tomasson is supposedly, deliberately picking teams to lose.
  7. Must admit, I don't get any pleasure seeing him struggling, he's definitely been dealt a poor hand there.
  8. Bit disappointed to see Markanday go off, thought he looked capable of causing trouble as it opened up, as he did first half. Really pleased for Dolan too, hopefully we'll see the somersault against the Nobbers.
  9. Markanday involved in both goals and Dolan scored one of them so not too suspect.
  10. Feeling it's a big chance for Markanday to stake his claim today.
  11. Mmmm, there's many an argument there. One thing is for sure, Mowbray's name always gets raised during a bad spell, from both sides of the argument.
  12. I'd be more worried about Siggurdson, it's a big workload at the moment, last thing we want is him breaking down again.
  13. I'm not defending him or otherwise , I'm not saying he should or shouldn't be dropped. I'm pointing out that some of the criticism and blame has been ridiculous.
  14. Yes, he was criticised for the 2 at Rotherham or I wouldn't have mentioned it, but since you asked the question, it seems we're in agreement that it was ridiculous. When I'm saying give him a chance, that is the kind of criticism I'm on about.
  15. And that's justified,keepers make mistakes and are rightly called out, but we got to a point where quite a few were actively looking for anything to throw at him and blaming him when it wasn't justified. If the same ones are expecting Wahlstedt to save the 2 at Rotherham, he's on a hiding to nothing. The lad needs to be given a chance.
  16. You yourself blamed him for the ball to Markanday earlier in the season which Markanday lost,against West Brom was it? It's all been too over the top.
  17. I was being slightly sarcastic, the person I replied to exonerated Wahlstedt of any blame for the 2 goals he let in against Cardiff because they both "hit the side netting". At the match I thought it was a good ball in, and poor defending leaving a free header. Having seen it on TV, especially from the Riverside camera, it looks like a good ball in, and poor defending leaving a fee header. I haven't seen the original ball in which he palmed behind, if he should have left it then that's fair enough, but every keeper is safety first. Some of the scrutiny of Pears over the past few weeks has been ridiculous verging on ludicrous. All keepers make mistakes, Wahlstedt in the short time he was on almost gifted them a chance with a poor pass out, and then did gift them the 4th. It looks like Wahlstedt may have a good run in the team,time to put away the microscopes and give the lad a chance.
  18. If they're not surprised, then why the outcry? Of course they're surprised. As mad as it sounds, we've got some saying they're not going because Pears is playing, tell me they're not surprised. He was never going to throw Wahlstedt in against Leicester,it was obvious.
  19. Pears was always going to start against Leicester, I don't know why anyone is surprised.
  20. Yeah, good shout, I think you're right that Moran definitely plays over Wharton if it's a choice between the two, he was impressive last night. I suppose you'd say the choice between Wharton and Tronstad is the one that determines Tomasson's approach.
  21. Difficult to see Tomasson experimenting against Leicester.
  22. Pears JRC Carter. Hyam Pickering Travis Wharton. Moran Szmodics. Siggurdson Leonard
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