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Everything posted by M_B

  1. It's alright, bit like the last 10,for anyone who doesn't like it, don't worry, there'll be another along shortly. Went in the Stanley club shop Tuesday for a couple of tickets, their new shirt is on sale. It's got a brick wall design on it, Inspired idea whoever thought of it.
  2. 7 of us sit virtually together,we've all renewed. A family of 4 got tickets near us for the first time last season, they aren't renewing due to fixtures being moved, they missed a good few games last season.
  3. Mowbray took over a basket case of a club and left us with the 2nd youngest squad in the division which just finished 7th,the highest position since we went down. Tomasson looks the perfect fit to take the club forward. Mowbray did his job, Tomasson is taking it on, but there's no point in trying to compare the two jobs,they're miles apart. Tomasson wouldn't have touched the club Mowbray inherited with a bargepole.
  4. Not to mention a trip to Ipswich. It's half the stand.
  5. So then the question is, do you think those prices would tempt people enough to sell another 3.5k? I'd be extremely dubious at those prices personally, but hopefully you're right. It should definitely help to prevent any fall off of any existing holders for next season.
  6. 12k would be great, but by the time you've reduced the price for the 8 or 9000 regulars in line with the newbies, would it pay the bills? And obviously, the more you reduce the price, more would have to be sold to make up the difference. If they haven't polled former ticket holders, then they need to. I'd love to fill the bottom tiers, I'd be happy if the club had a 2000(?) free section for people who want to go but simply can't afford.
  7. The ones who say they stay away because of Venkys, I've never believed it, I think they're staying away because we're not a Prem club any more. It's their choice, but it's also my choice to be able to complain about them. If that doesn't agree with you then fair enough, but I don't care one way or the other, you can agree with me or not. As I said, to get people to return, you have to understand the various reasons that they are staying away. If 5000 people say they're staying away because of the owners, then pricing isn't a factor in whether they return. That's 5000 former attendees , could be more, could be less, that should be factored in when comparing to Preston.
  8. I don't really understand that. If my ticket was £380 this season and next year it's decided to lower it to £280,that's £100 the club has to find from other sales. Multiply that by 8000,and you're £800k down on next year's sales, assuming all 8000ish renew. It doesn't seem to have been factored into people's thinking that there would be a very big loss made from the regular buyers. I know it wouldn't equate to £800,000 because of senior/junior sales, but it would still be a big loss from the main source of income.
  9. They don't, but unless you realise why they're staying away, you can't hope to get them back.
  10. What about the loss of revenue from existing ticket holders? To be honest, it only dawned on me today that the club would have to discount those in line with the others. Obviously 8000 at £100 discount is £800k. I know it wouldn't equate to that, with kids tickets, so be interesting to know the hit.
  11. I thought I'd answered that in the first paragraph, maybe read it again. On the discounted tickets, it would be interesting to know how much it would cost the club to discount the regular 8 or 9000 existing season ticket holders to come in line with the new ones. They obviously couldn't continue charging the existing ones at the current price.
  12. I've said time and again on here that I don't believe people who use the Venkys as an excuse. Don't try to tell me what I was thinking. You jumped on my comment and completely missed the use of the word "choose" . As I said, your points were valid, but you've now moved the goalposts to cover up your mistake. Other than that, I agree with what you say. People are struggling, cheaper tickets would definitely help, whether £100 would make a 5 or 6000 difference like Bolton, I very much doubt. But as some have said, maybe give it a try. The one thing I would add is that they would have to knock off £100 from the existing 8000+ season ticket holders. Thats a massive deficit before we start.
  13. All valid points, but I was talking about the ones who don't go any more using the Venkys card, and other bull reasons. You got it wrong,you've now gone off at a different tangent, stop digging.
  14. Another option would be to have a free area for people who simply couldn't afford to go, however cheap it was. As long as the tickets went to the right people, and if it was done on a virtually season long basis, it could make a massive difference to both Rovers, and their lives.
  15. The ones who used to go when the going was good and now choose not to. If we're discounting that argument, then the season ticket sales are fantastic, well up on the pre 90's. Once again,if people can't afford to go, I really feel for them, but there's another group who have clearly stopped going regularly,for whatever reason. As I said the other day, anyone under 40, a whole generation, can only really remember the good times. This isn't what a lot of them bought into.
  16. If you read my quote properly, I put the word "choose" in inverted commas for a reason. Maybe try reading the comment properly. Obviously I sympathise with people who can't afford to go, as opposed to those who "CHOOSE" not to go(I've put it in capitals this time as well).
  17. It is true, very rarely if ever do I hear people around us who go to every game complain about prices. We do, I'm being honest, regularly complain about fans who now "choose" to stay away.
  18. I did remember us being a couple up, and the Blackburn end singing 2-0, to the bully boys.
  19. I think it was Nigel Worthington at Norwich who coined the bully boys phrase.
  20. Just out of interest, and by way of debate, how many Rovers fans do you think are staying away because of Venkys ownership? In their case, obviously price wouldn't make any difference,no matter how low. If we've got 5000 say, in that category, then that would obviously affect the take up. Just from day to day conversation whilst out and about working, I could be well under with that figure.
  21. The biggest problem would be that there wouldn't be anyone to take up the free tickets, given that they're all staying away because of the Venkys 😁
  22. I've never accepted the Venky argument, I don't believe people who say it,otherwise we wouldn't get the bigger crowds as and when we do get them. The trouble on here is, you can't give any kind of counter argument as to why tickets can't be shifted without being accused of being a Waggott sympathiser, your reply only goes to to prove it. I'm not beating anyone with anything regarding the Reading game, but it only went to prove that it isn't just about pricing, just because it didn't suit your purpose doesn't mean it wasn't correct. I personally think the aim should be to try to fill the lower tiers.it would make a massive difference, even without the Darwen end lower. If we could sell those, then it could well work with much lower prices. As a season ticket holder, I have no problem whatsoever with the club selling cheaper single tickets, or match bundles. There's nothing I'd like more than actually having to queue to get in. Hopefully we'll get off to a flier and the numbers pick up significantly as we go along.
  23. Nobody is saying they should be half price, it was a simple example of the correlation between sales and prices. The Shearer stuff is absolutely relevant, I've heard it myself loads of times, although it's usually disguised as a Venky thing, ( which is also a load of bollox). I'm just giving an opinion from what I hear regularly.
  24. The problem is, from Waggott's point of view, that if tickets were half price, we wouldn't sell twice as many. You're then gambling that the shortfall would be made up from food sales and so on. It's his job to make money for the club, I'm not condoning it or otherwise, but that is the conundrum. Personally,I think the main problem is that a whole generation got into going to Rovers because they were good. In short, and to put it bluntly, if you're under 45,you probably wouldn't remember Rovers being crap. This isn't what that generation signed up for, it would be interesting to know the figures from the Shearer gig. How many of those going to that, don't actually go any more? It might tell a tale.
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