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Everything posted by M_B

  1. With the current squad, it still remains a fact that we're much more likely to win with Gallagher in the team. I don't know what part of the facts that people have trouble with. If you were Tomasson, and had Gallagher fit for Millwall, would you lessen our chance of winning by not playing him? I know I wouldn't. Longterm, maybe, but right now the stats say he's our best chance.
  2. Totally agree, I think we are starting to look a good team, it's just the obvious lack of a forward(s) that is letting us down. Ironically, the loss of Morton has probably impacted more than some would admit. We'll see if he gambles with playing Garrett In midfield to get Szmodics further forward. Even better if Gallagher is fit and Szmodics can play behind him.
  3. Where have you got that from? Everything the club has done since Mowbray left would suggest it's absolute rubbish.
  4. I know some people, especially with families, have other priorities, but for me my season ticket is the best value purchase of the year. I don't even think about it or consider not buying it, health permitting , it's going to happen.
  5. Surely our best chance of a goal is with Szmodics up front,he's the only player looking like scoring at the moment. Either Garrett into midfield or JRC, but that would mean not only disturbing the defence, but having to play Brittain, and I'm just not sure about Brittain.
  6. To do it on live TV, against them tonight, has taken it up more than a notch.
  7. We could well have just witnessed the birth of a star, Adam Wharton was on a different planet to anyone else on the pitch,and Burnley were nowhere near him. Tomasson says the team needs to play a certain way, to showcase their talents and prove they're capable of stepping up to the next level. I'm 100 % with him after that performance, anyone wanting to sign Wharton will have to cough up a mighty sum. It took a worldie to beat us tonight,but Burnley know they've been outplayed. We all know where we're short,but that performance has to bode well for the future.
  8. Talking to a few fans, Rovers and Burnley yesterday morning, I said Rovers will have to 1 0 their way into the play offs. I saw nothing from the away end yesterday to change my mind. Whatever the team is, they need to test Burnley's players' appetite for a battle. We need to win every 50 50 and see if their loan players are thinking about next season. We've started to play with more authority, and the passing out from the back is looking a lot more fluid and rewarding. We can definitely win this game and become favourite for one of the last 2 play off places, but we'll definitely have to earn it.
  9. The lad's suffering, I couldn't help feeling sorry for him last night. Maybe it's time to shout his name on Saturday and give him some backing,I'm sure there's nothing he'd like more than to fire Rovers into the play offs.
  10. Last few times I've just driven along Bpool Rd and turned right into Primrose Rd just before you get to the ground,we're coming from Accy so the ground is on the left. You can pay to park at St Gregory's school, but there's parking on that estate. We haven't had a problem although we're all knocking on a bit. We're going early,don't leave it late if you're parking there, it's looking like a sell out.
  11. Just reading Pne forum, they're not one bit confident. It's looking like a sell out though.
  12. Played well first half, but really suffered second half before he was taken off. His lack of a left foot didn't help.
  13. Be boring if we just walked it😊 Win at Preston and we're almost there, no need to panic.
  14. Makes you wonder if Millwall looked at their run in and thought they were sorted. Every team bar the top 4 would swap places with Rovers, what a position to be in, and what a disappointment it would be to miss out from here. Time to put the big boy pants on and win one for ourselves. Win tomorrow and we'll do it, lose and we won't, draw and hmmmm.
  15. Don't like predicting the line up, that's Tomasson's job and he'll live or die by the results. I do think though, that Hedges was really unlucky not to start tonight, after scoring at Hudders,and I'd be playing him on Wednesday. Time to stand up and be counted against Coventry, win and we'll do it, lose and we won't.
  16. I can see what you mean, but they're all behind us. I suppose it depends which way you look at it. If we win on Wednesday, it more or less puts Coventry out of it. To me, despite a poor performance, we've actually widened the gap, and the games are quickly running out. We were never going to "lose" our way into the top 6, eventually the big boy pants will have to come out of the drawer.
  17. We most certainly are, we were 6th courtesy of goal difference this morning, we're now 6th by a point,and there's a game less to play. How is that not stronger compared to this morning?
  18. We're actually in a stronger position league wise than we were this morning, and there's a game less to play. Nervous for Wednesday now, but as someone earlier said, Coventry will definitely have to come at us. Win that game and it probably puts them out of it. I can't actually believe we're still in there, maybe we're just destined.
  19. Been saying that the two teams which are least crap will limp into the top 6. Having witnessed the second half display on Monday,I'm feeling a bit more optimistic. Preston's run in is as tough as ours, Millwall's looks easiest on paper but they've both us and Preston to play. One thing giving me confidence, if we do actually make the cut, is our form this season in the cups. If we could replicate that knockout form in the play offs, we'd have as much chance as any other team.
  20. Spot on, the money spent seems to get glossed over and forgotten. He has done really well, but it's hardly a Paul Daniels job. It's also the players he got left with, he's had £40 million on top of the likes of Barnes, Brownhill and the others who have been a mainstay in their team all season. If Tomasson got Rovers up, then" that's magic".
  21. Quite pleased myself, we would have missed the Grand National. Be watching it with the family, with more than half an eye on Millwall v Preston.
  22. How's yer nerves everyone? Maybe corner practise at both ends this week in training is in order.
  23. It's the way people think they've proved a point. If you constantly highlight the negatives and totally ignore anything positive, then there you go, point proved,and you've got yourself a totally useless player. Nyambe fell foul of the same thing. As most others who are going today, I'll be doing so with hope but trepidation. Whoever pulls on the shirt will have to earn anything we get.
  24. Tomasson inherited a squad capable of a top six place, I don't see how it can be argued , we've been in there from day one thanks almost totally to the existing players. What it needed was the extensive new recruitment team to come up trumps to give the existing squad a leg up. It didn't.
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