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Everything posted by M_B

  1. Not saying he shouldn't start, but assuming Adam Wharton is going to carry on against Hudders where he left off against a Norwich side already 2 up definitely won't happen. Only Tomasson's stubbornness will prevent Wharton starting over Morton, but starting Monday's game will be a world away from yesterday.
  2. That was a no show,really disappointing. We can't afford any more no shows from Monday onwards. The 2 teams which are least crap from now on will get 5th and 6th. It might be our best chance for some time, this division won't be as weak for the foreseeable future.
  3. Agreed, they can't continually keep selling tickets on the cheap.
  4. Can't see Tomasson making any outlandish decisions on Friday for the most important game of the season. I'm sure he'll think back to the debacle of Turf Moor. Can't see much difference to the starting line up apart from up top. Probably Brereton for Dolan and a toss up for right wing.
  5. The stats(according to Rich Sharpe) say that we're much more likely to win with Gallagher in the team than without him. It would be a massive gamble by Tomasson to leave him out of the biggest game of the season.
  6. We didn't play well but we've generally bounced back from a poor performance this season. I don't really see the need for all The End Is Nigh comments, with 8 games left, 5 of them at home and one in hand on everyone else, we're in the best position since we went down. With the league as weak as it's been for ages, this is probably our best chance for some time to come, there are only 4 teams that wouldn't swap positions with us. A win on Friday puts Norwich out of the running.
  7. It might be true, but I'd doubt that it swayed any selection decision when the owners are turning down millions for players that are going to leave for nothing.
  8. I've no idea,you'll have to ask those making the decisions. I'd hazard a guess it's more about safety, no doubt the compulsory bus travel being scrapped has had an impact.
  9. I didn't say they'd done it this season, they have made the decision to halve the away end,if they hadn't I would have probably got a ticket for their place. Rovers haven't got a bigger ground for their benefit, if the club think their allocation is to our benefit, then they've done right. Whether it is remains to be seen.
  10. I think the point is that Pears hasn't really had to pull off any massive saves. On the whole, we've been solid and calm since he came back in. Wouldn't argue with either playing,both got strengths and weaknesses.
  11. A lot of Burnley fans not happy at missing out on their cup final tickets. I missed out on a ticket at The Dome because their powers that be decided to halve the away end to the minimum 2000 permitted. Seems unanimous that everyone thinks Steve Waggott has made the right decision on this one.
  12. Pears if I was choosing Agreed, I'm hoping to get to both Hudders and Preston. I'll be going to 7 games in April altogether, so decided to give Birmingham a miss,shoot me.
  13. It's just another foreigner with a complete lack of understanding of the situation and history,totally irresponsible. The irony is that Burnley have made the conscious decision to reduce the away allocation to the minimum permitted,they could have left it at 4000. Maybe they should have consulted Rovers first to ask their opinion and ask for permission. Maybe it's time for Pace to spend some more of everyone else's money and make the ground bigger for our benefit.
  14. No chance they were getting all the Darwen end with unrestricted travel. To those that moaned about the buses and now can't get a ticket, well done.
  15. I'm picturing Tim Brook Taylor's super computer in Willy Wonka.
  16. Courtney's face when he came out at Bradford was a picture. It was the first match he reffed after the Palace match. He genuinely looked surprised at the barrage he got. He made up for it at Wembley I suppose.
  17. Tomasson said Dack should be back after the international break. The conundrum is that Dack would probably have filled his boots last night, but would the chances have come if he'd been on the pitch? The question is, how do you leave out your best finisher?
  18. Whether it's a "must win" game or not is open to debate,but it will be the first result everyone points to if we don't win it and we miss out.
  19. It isn't a case of being "wrong", nobody knows how he would have fared this season, although some will obviously convince themselves. On the other side of the argument, we have those who refuse to admit that he left us in a healthy position, despite the fact that we have been top 6 virtually all season. As roversfan99 says above, it's probably somewhere in the middle, but the middle ground is something of a rarity when it comes to discussing Mowbray. Too many people want to be seen to be "right" when discussing him, to have a rational conversation.
  20. It's a strange situation, can't ever remember it happening before. It does make me wonder how long people will carry it on for. Every decision Tomasson makes seems to be compared to what people think they know Mowbray would have done in that situation. It's all unprecedented to this extent , and also a bit odd.
  21. I still think it will catch up with Luton and/or Millwall. If we miss out by finishing below either of those 2,it would be a big chance missed, and also a big disappointment.
  22. It's young muppets trying to reinvent the best game in the world, when it's just a ball and 2 nets. We had a Rovers "expert" on radio Lancashire a few weeks ago, that hadn't even heard of Tomasson before he came here, but I'm sure they had xg and var off to a tee.
  23. Without looking at everyone's remaining fixtures, I'm sure they're all going to be similar. The one thing which stands out on our list is that apart from Millwall on the last day, all our "harder" games, going off the table, are at home. On present form, you'd also much rather play the Nobbers at their place. With Rovers home form, it has to be an advantage.
  24. Got to fancy Rovers with that defence, unless the dreaded injuries strike. When we're bringing on Brereton and Hedges to see the game out, you know we're in a good place. 0-2 Rovers Thomas and Gally
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