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Everything posted by M_B

  1. "But we're 3rd" That's been the most important factor this season,when the poor performances and results came along, there was always the league table to fall back on. Tomasson has been doing his work at the top end of the table all season, thanks to that win/lose sequence. Booed off by some at half time against Millwall, when we were top 6 was a good example. The young heads were far too good for the old heads yesterday, superb performance just missing the 2nd goal.
  2. No doubt about it, the signing of Thomas and the way Costello has grabbed his chance has made all the difference. We're now dangerous down both wings. Hyam brilliant today but difficult to pick just one out. It's no mean feat to take on and outplay Sheff Utd with 4 academy graduates in the first 11,5 if you include Dolan. Dolan may yet turn out to be one of the most inspired signings we've seen.
  3. It's strange, I watched him at Hull and he did a great job when he came on, although more on the wing.
  4. Young legs v old heads. Be interesting to see which one stands the rigours of the run in. 2-0 Rovers, if we can handle Berge and their set pieces.
  5. I don't really believe In over achieving, I don't see how it's possible, you can't do more than you're capable of, it's impossible,unless you purely go off money spent. I do think that the league is a lot weaker/even than it has been for a while, it's maybe a factor in us being so high. I've been saying for months that this could be our best chance for the foreseeable.
  6. Absolutely,Tomasson is coming into his own, I'm glad he's here,this young squad looks perfect for what he says he's hoping to achieve. The fact remains though that he's doing it largely with players he inherited, and that they've been top 6 virtually all season. I don't know what is so hard to understand.
  7. If he didn't leave a squad capable of challenging for promotion, how are we 4th with 12 games to play, having been in the top 6 virtually all season? Tomasson has done a cracking job, but apart from Hyam, his signings haven't really broken any pots, it's been down to the bulk of existing players. The table doesn't lie after so long,we might not have seen it coming, but the players were obviously there, they've proven it. I don't know why people can't accept it, it's obviously true, the table proves it🤷‍♂️
  8. I'm not disputing he's done well, it's been a great season up to now apart from the obvious few games. The squad he inherited, especially the number of young players, is surely tailor made for the job he keeps talking about. I was responding to the comparison between the two coaches, I personally don't think there can be one.
  9. It isn't really comparable, Tomasson wouldn't be anywhere near the basket case that Mowbray inherited. The squad that Tomasson took over has been top 6 virtually all season. His own signings, Hyam apart, are only just really showing their worth,it's been mostly down to the existing players. He's done well but their relative starting points are chalk and cheese,and he's solely concentrating on the coaching side. Either way, he's looking like right man at the right time.
  10. Thought the BBC commentator did his homework really well, regarding the way the club has progressed it's youth. He had JRC's story spot on. You don't always get that.
  11. The cup runs have been invaluable for the development of the young players. The cull at the end of last season has meant that instead of having to give senior players match time in cup matches , Tomasson has given the young players more proper game time than they could have imagined,and they haven't let the club and supporters down. Despite the worries from some about the squad for this season, it has proved to be perfect for Tomasson and Broughton. We might just surprise Leicester on Tuesday.
  12. The stats say we are far more likely to win if he plays than if he doesn't. Even with a fully fit squad, it would be a massive decision to leave him out.
  13. It's the squad he inherited that has largely had us in the top 6 virtually all season,Hyam apart. If the new players can come to the party for the rest of the season, as they have in the last couple of games, we'll be well placed for the run in.
  14. The stats say we are much more likely to win when Gallagher plays. Even if we had a fully fit squad, it would be a big decision to leave him out.
  15. Said on radio Lancs that this is the the 9th(ninth) this season, unless I misheard it. They credited Rich Sharpe with the stat.
  16. It just shows the squad Tomasson inherited is a lot stronger than many would have had you believe. We've been top 6 virtually all season, despite the new signings, except Hyam, hardly pulling up any trees.
  17. I'm picturing the appeals paperwork in a dusty desk drawer, in a dusty room, like the complaints department on that old Heineken advert. Someone might get round to it this time next week.
  18. Can't see the Championship being this poor again for quite some time. Time for the club as a whole to wake up and smell the coffee, could be our best chance for the foreseeable.
  19. Although we all want the EFL to be all over this situation, and we're hoping they're working hard to find a conclusion ,has there been confirmation that they're actually likely to come to a decision any time soon, or are people guessing. The Tevez thing took forever.
  20. I just see it as people having different opinions, I don't know why one group has to take the moral high ground.
  21. I asked what a non happy clapper does that a happy clapper doesn't?
  22. It always makes me wonder what a non happy clapper does, that a happy clapper doesn't. 🤔
  23. I didn't mean to minimise the error,this would have been a fantastic signing,to lose it on a clerical cock up is a real shame for the recruitment team. I wasn't as hung up on signing a forward, I could have seen OBrien and Thomas getting the team ticking. They scored plenty last season, and with Dack firing again, I doubt we could have improved on what we have with no money to spend. It's Tomasson's remit to work with what we have and we've at least 5 forwards on the books.
  24. Would have been a bit of a coup if they'd managed to pull the O'brien transfer off,and would have made it a successful transfer window. The recruitment team did it's job, I'll bet there were a few looking on with envy. Real shame for it to fall down on technicalities, we probably won't get the chance again. Here's hoping the appeal is a success.
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