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Everything posted by M_B

  1. That's actually the second definition given,the first one is kill, destroy or remove a large proportion of,i did check before I quoted Atko. I'm sure he was going with the first one,unless he was deliberately meaning to be outrageous.
  2. I think we're in a good place, a good platform from which Tomasson can work from and hopefully improve. I just never subscribed to the theory that the squad he inherited was as weak as was made out. Yes we lost the fun boy 3,and the loan players, but the rest were just fluff used to try to prove a point. Any new manager would want at least half a dozen of his own players anyway, whether he thinks they're fit or good enough to displace the players already here is up to him.
  3. I'm not saying he didn't have reasons for leaving them out Gav. As I say, I'm not for one second having a go at Tomasson, I'm quite happy at the moment. My argument is that a manager with a supposedly decimated squad does not have the luxury of willingly leaving out the mentioned players, whilst putting in that really good performance against Watford with the same starting 11. It's an excuse which is trotted out every time we have a stinker, but isn't mentioned when we outplay Watford. That's the point I'm making, and I think the evidence backs it up.
  4. I'm quite happy how it's going, when it's gone well, there have been some really good signs and we've played some exciting football. I'm just not having "decimated" when players who are clearly able to play, are being overlooked for ones who were originally here. You're giving excuses for the new signings not playing, Brittain is valid although he did come on against Luton. Szmodics played on Saturday for the under 21's. Mola is a new recruit, but came on against Watford. Hirst likewise on Saturday. Wharton was left out, as was Markanday,as was Dack. I'm not unhappy with Tomasson, I just don't agree that a manager with a "decimated" squad would have the luxury of voluntarily leaving out the above players, especially his main signing. Then, whilst leaving out the above players, managed to play each one of the starting 11 in his preferred position (Carter is arguable). That isn't evidence of a decimated squad.
  5. I don't know for a fact that Szmodics was 100% fit, but surely that isn't the point. He was fit enough to turn out for the under 21's, if the squad is decimated, then he would have played for the first team. Same goes for Wharton, Tomasson wouldn't have had the luxury of making the choice. Injuries don't come into it, they're part and parcel of getting through the season, we're now talking about loaning Phillips out to give him games. I just don't subscribe to the theory that Tomasson inherited a decimated squad. Young, light on numbers maybe, but when he signs 6 new players and only 2 are starting games, then it doesn't really add up does it?
  6. A manager with a "decimated" squad doesn't leave out his most expensive signing for two games when fit,and prioritise England u19's over a league match at Luton. Let's have it right, the squad is there as shown on Tuesday, he's having to leave supposedly important players out of the squad, never mind the team. He's got the players at his disposal, nobody expects miracles and joint 5th is a more than creditable start, but the decimated squad argument needs leaving behind, it's been disproved already.
  7. Give him time, he's only been here 2 minutes. It's actually a good sign of how strong the squad is, when Tomasson's most expensive signing can't get in ahead of the existing players. It's also good that Tomasson doesn't feel the need to force him in, he may need time to acclimatise, a bit like Hedges.
  8. I was more making the point that it's odd that there are 100 pages of it.
  9. It is a strange phenomenon that this thread has reached 100 pages,when the bloke did a decent job. Why people have to keep trying to prove some kind of point is anyone's guess,it's all a bit odd. I notice the calls of him leaving the squad in a bad state have gone quiet, seem a bit silly after Tuesday night's performance and being 3rd. He's left a good platform from which Tomasson can hopefully take us onwards and upwards. I could understand it if it was Steve Kean.
  10. Small but quality, what a nice position for Tomasson to work with and add to in January when he's had a good look. He raised the bar on Tuesday, showing just what this squad is capable of. The knack now is obviously to find the consistency.
  11. Come on Norwich and Sunderland, I quite like 3rd place
  12. Good thread. Hard to tell, most of the others are as inconsistent as we are. I'm tempted to say the top half of 7th - 13th,but given that we're 7th after such a disastrous run of injuries, I can actually see us threatening the top 6 up until the break,if players come back OK. Anything 10th or above will mean a good start for the new regime.
  13. Cracking player Lucas Neill, hard as nails. He's coaching the girls teams at Stanley.
  14. Can't beat that Yorkshire humour, is that why you moved there? 😁 I think that match is the one where you noticed my UFO Bob hat before you recognised me😅
  15. I'll see what I can do, may be better if I try to convince him though eh?
  16. Was at Rotherham a few years ago, we were both struggling and the weather wasn't brilliant. Queued up at a burger van for a brew, an old fella with a Rotherham hat on stood next to me. I said we've come over the hill, but we're not expecting a thriller. He said in his best Yorkshire accent, "well it's a good job lad, cos tha's not getting one".
  17. Could badly do with winning this one,if Boro win tomorrow we'll be 7th,but only 4 points above the relegation zone. A win would keep us bobbing along nicely, Tomasson has enough on his plate without table pressure becoming a factor. Apparently, Hedges turned his ankle in the warm up yesterday. Hopefully he's fit, he sets the tone and I'd fancy us more if he plays. We're more than capable of winning at Wigan, 0-2 Rovers.
  18. I'm right next to the away bench, and he'll certainly get a warm return from me, he certainly did more good than bad. It's a strange phenomenon that our supporters seem compelled to have to counter Tomasson's decisions by making out they know what Mowbray would have done. What is that all about, it's weird,how long will it continue, and who gives a shit anyway?
  19. Looking forward to seeing Hirst,hope he plays. Need a win tomorrow, we can't be letting a 98th minute equaliser go to waste.
  20. Always thought that Brereton would be more likely to go for more money in January, when a team near the bottom of the Prem gambles for safety. If he stays beyond January, I would assume he will have had a good enough season up to that point, for Venkys to keep him, hoping for a decent league finish. With either of those outcomes, nobody could argue that the £6 million wasn't money well spent. He's turned into a cracking player.
  21. Only half heard it but I think Talksport linked Diaz with Leeds.
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