So, Derby haven't netted since JE took over, and he's led them to three successive defeats.. I say feck that - nothing has any bearing on tomorrow's game other than the attitude of our players, and our will to win. We do have a habit of giving goals away, and who knows, maybe JE's tactical insights into the Rovers squad might be an advantage in his mind, but that is the only place it should be allowed to exist.
I say go at them from the outset - from what I've seen of the Rams, they are more Ramshackle than Rampant, and Rovers easily have enough on paper to take the game to them and win.
Bloody banana skin bollocks!
Derby & Joan Performance - Rams 1 Rovers Regress 0
Der be gold in dem der hills - Derbee Drought goes on 0 Rovers 3
Rams Roar Repeatedly - County 3 Rovers 3
Like practically any of the next 4 games, this has 'season defining' written all over it, so let's hope Valerien has the lads revved up and ready 🙂