People tweet a lot of shit. You can literally make up anything and put #Rovers.
Saying that why don't we just start throwing loads of shit in the cycle? Zidane anyone?
Every week they delay appointing someone is one less weeks wages they need to pay. Penny pinching even now.
David Lowe is currently in that area where your boss leaves and senior management tell you that if you do a good job you might get that pay rise.
I just don't understand it. The rest of the shit list are miles better than someone who has zero credentials to be managing a promotion pushing side. They're just rubbing our noses in it if he's really the man they pick.
Stevie G being linked worries me. He failed everywhere other than Rangers where the chat was his backroom staff did most of the work.
Also I can't even understand what he says half the time.
Say what you want about some of these players at times, but after 4 or 5 days of complete uncertainty and (correct) criticism of our ownership in the public eye they've come out and been complete professionals today.
Not fussed with it. Same as I was with Eustace, JDT, Mowbray etc until I saw how they managed.
International youth football is nothing like Club management, maybe he will start Tyjon every game though!
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