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Posts posted by Rovermatt

  1. Never really watch super hero films myself, although I have seen the Batman films from the 1st Tim Burton one, to the one with George Cluney, which was utterly diaboloical. Not seen the Christian Bale one. However, I stand by the statement that the best superhero film is actually The Incredibles. It whips the arse off any CGI crap like Spiderman, as it is fully animated, and is just brilliant. Never liked Spiderman, he seemed dull, and the baddies were a bit lame. as for the recent films, the CGI just looks like a cartoon, and doesn't look realistic when applied to actual scenary.

    I may have brought this up before, but I should watch this film again sometime:


    Batman Begins is amazing and even superior to Batman. The sequel-Dark Knight-is at the top of my most anticipated films for next year. You're correct about The Incredibles though. One of my favourite films ever.

  2. Oooh I can see it now.....................

    We'll have Paddy Kielty and Kate Thornton presenting it on ITV. And the contestants will be:

    James Hewett

    Jimmy 5 Bellies

    Jade Goody

    Ex 400m runner Mark Hilton

    Cory Haim

    Tara Palmer-Tompkinson

    Rikki Lake

    The short one from The Young Ones

    'That blonde from Hollyoaks or something who still looks good'

    Gary Glitter (i.e.the 'Barrymore' contestant)

    Anyway back to the subject of films, I remember seeing that film about strippers from the early 90's a few moths ago on Channel 5. Showgirls I think. God that film was bad. It was like Flashdance but with more tits, and all the depth and emotion removed. Showgirls is a film about strippers, and it makes you think to yourself "I must remember to buy some felt to do the roof of the shed".

    Showgirls is hilarious. The scene where Elizabeth whats-her-face thrashes around in a neon pool with quiff-man is so funny it's not true. It's about as erotic as roofing one's shed. :lol:

  3. I prefer House of Flying Daggers to Hero actually. Only just though.

    This latest film is ok. It's well made, it looks amazing and has some very fine acting. Yet there's a palpable lack of entertainment value (of any kind) and the plot is, at times, very silly. You also couldn't give a flying one about any of the characters, all are either boring or despicable. And yes there's a bit of stylish sword-weilding towards the end but by that point you're so drained that you'll hardly notice.

  4. I'm just back from seeing The Curse of the Golden Flower. Be warned: while this is directed by the same guy who made Hero and House of Flying Daggers, it is nothing like those films. Intense, terribly serious and, at times, exhausting don't go hoping for a blitz of beautifully choreographed martial arts. It has nothing of the sort. :blink:

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