There can be no comparison made between the root cause of the current global conflict to that of Nothern Ireland, this is due to mega complexaties of the issue , the Ira for example had a political wing and had the capacity to discuss the issues faced by all sides in the Northern Ireland civil conflict. Who would sit down with the west on behalf of the radical islamists and would they want to negoiate in anycase. there can be no argument taht the wests incursions into Afghanistan and Iraq and the Us's continued support for Isreal is helping the recruitment of despreate young men , but as the French have found out it dosent seem to make adifference if you support US foreign policy or not the terrorists seem not to care.
The common misconception of Al-queda been a group of organised/centralised organistion is not helping the situtaion Al-Queda is an Iranien form of extremist Islam which does tolerate any other religion of cultural practise, the misconception of global terrorist organiastion Al-Quada was made up in A New York courtroom was created in order to prosecute Bin Laden over the US embasy bombing in Kenya, and by the west chasing this group we have wasted both time nad money.
The main causation of the spread of global terrorism is Bin Ladens anger at not been able to overthrow the Saudi royal family and other middle-eastern regimes , Bin Laden simply uses this Al-Quada philosophy as way to capture new followers who see great disparity compred to the western neighbours both culturaly, politiaclly and economically . Bin Ladens real quarrel is with the Saudis however the only way he can overthrow the regime is to bite the hand that feeds it which is the west primarily the US, and by attcking the west he hopes to pay the US and its allies back for not allowing him free reign in his homeland