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Tyrone Shoelaces

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Everything posted by Tyrone Shoelaces

  1. It’s amazing who comes out of the woodwork at times like this. They’re like piranhas feeding on rotting meat.
  2. No, you’ve spoiled it now. You’ve mentioned him. It’s got to be a guy who is completely unexpected until the moment he’s unveiled.
  3. Have you got a problem with my posts ? It’s just that you seem to be trolling me lately.
  4. I wouldn’t be too impressed if we got Zeefuik on a free. No way is he worth a transfer fee.
  5. I was only thinking about this the other day. Say what you want about the results and who was worse in that respect but Mowbray is without a doubt the most miserable manager we’ve had. Also can the new man, whoever he is, talk Rovers up please and not the opposition.
  6. How many left full backs has Mowbray signed ? Not one of them has been as good as Nyambe as a defender.
  7. Interesting you say their “wrong side “ . I know which one I’d rather play against as a full back.
  8. I’ve got a radical plan for that - why don’t we put a left footer out on the left side. Too obvious ?
  9. He might but will they know him ? It could be harder for him to get them to come here.
  10. That was always the worry playing him at full back. When he came up against a forward and not a wing back.
  11. Is he still going there now they’ve got promoted ? He’s not a Premier League player in my eyes.
  12. James Thomas was another one. Scored after about 5 minutes against Bolton. It was all downhill after that.
  13. I don’t care if they come from the dark side of the moon just as long as they can get us playing.
  14. Yeah, most of it on wasters. That Blake, what a tired player.
  15. I agree, he was hardly impressive. If we can get somebody better that’ll be great. Failing that at least he’s a body.
  16. I’d have wrung his neck if I’d have been Jack. Same goes for Kiddo, he signed some shite as well. Larry Grayson and that Per Frandsen. Show pony. I saw Grayson playing right back once and he had about 6 attempts to pass the ball up the line, a basic skill for a decent full back, every one went into touch ! Useless.
  17. The warning bells started ringing in my head when he let Wigan walk away with the trophy for winning the division. I made my mind up he wasn’t the right man for the job after seeing the calibre of his signings when we actually got back up. Just a few bodies in to help the existing lads out etc.
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