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Tyrone Shoelaces

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Everything posted by Tyrone Shoelaces

  1. Maybe they were expecting you to leave earlier ? As for " Hollands Pies ", is it true there are no cats in Baxenden ?
  2. Petersen's @#/? off every team he's ever played for. There's one common denominator in this equation - Kevin Petersen.
  3. We someone from outside in as a head coach. Forget Ashley Giles.
  4. Words fail me. Never mind sacking Flower they should have made him walk the plank. This was the most humiliating performance in the history of English cricket. When we lost 5-0 last time a least we were playing a really good team.
  5. It's been a while since I was last there but " David Bann " vegetarian restaurant was brilliant even for meat eaters like me. "The Witchery at the Castle" very expensive but disappointing.
  6. Allow me to educate you- only England and Australia compete for the Ashes trophy.
  7. Limited overs cricket is like 4 or 5 a side football, interesting, exciting at times but essentially a watered down version of the real thing. Test Match cricket can be the most enthralling sport to watch. Who can forgot the drama of the 2005 Ashes series. Amazing nail biting stuff, games that see-sawed one way and then another. Just brilliant.
  8. I can't say I remember that Jim, maybe after we went down in 1966 ? I remember being in a pub in Rochdale and getting within a ace of some daft older guy trying to plant me. He had the broadest Scots accent ever and was a really rabid Utd fan. After a while I said " What part of Manchester do you come from pal ? " It got a bit tasty before wiser councils prevailed.
  9. I'm not interested in the "Tip and Run " cricket, even when we win them. Test matches or nothing for me.
  10. Yeah he thought his life couldn't possibly be any worse, and then he saw Broad and Prior.
  11. Just been on the news that Broad and Prior have been involved in talking a guy down who was threatening to commit suicide ! My money's on it being Flower.
  12. We need to dispense with whoever is responsible. Nobody should be beyond reproach for this debacle.
  13. You don't lose that comprehensively without something being wrong in the camp. Ability wise the two teams should not be that far apart. I agree about the toss, the first one we've won and we put the opposition in ! Unbelievable !
  14. I've run out of things to say, just sick of getting up to hear about the latest capitulation. Only draconian changes will suffice for me. Flowers can't possibly survive this debacle, nor should he.
  15. Yeah I agree, you've got to start somewhere to unravel this mess. What happened to the players though ? Only the kid Stokes had come out of this disaster with any credit.
  16. I've been watching cricket since 1961 and this tour has been the most spineless performance by any England team that I can remember. There is something seriously wrong with morale and team spirit. Every aspect of the team is a shambles.
  17. The days of Millionaires being able to run Premier League and recently relegated Premier League clubs successfully are over. You need to be a Billionaire now. The game has moved on so much. The only people who've benefitted from this are the players and agents. Sooner or later it will all collapse.
  18. If you put all the players in a sack and hit it with a big stick you wouldn't be hitting an innocent man.
  19. Best all rounder ? Going off the ones I saw play it's got to be Gary Sobers.
  20. Yeah, they only "sing when they're winning". Quote facility not working- I was replying to South Aussie Rover.
  21. Mm, plague of flies or major flooding ? It's a hard one to call. Having said that if we get flooded out Noah will be building another ark.
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