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Tyrone Shoelaces

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Everything posted by Tyrone Shoelaces

  1. They've been " cheating " in cricket since before W G Grace. Even the sainted Bradman was known to stand his ground when he'd knicked one. The standard of sporting journalism in Aus must be really kean if it's worse than ours.
  2. I'll be glad when we get started. I'm sick to death of reading all the @#/? being pumped out by the Aussie press. Talk about whinging poms, this lot are the Worlds worst losers. They're bloody awful winners as well.
  3. I can't see beyond New Zealand. We don't respect possession, we force the play and we make silly mistakes in our own half. A bit like watching Hornets on a bad day.
  4. Yeah, not much meat on a Griffin's Head is there ?
  5. If you live in the Cook Islands. The Welsh Rugby League team is as weak as I can remember. Once players stopped " going North " because the money was better in Union the game has really struggled.
  6. Yeah, the word hero is bandied about much too often these days but this guy was a real hero. I missed the game as my wife had arranged for us to visit friends down in Rutland ! Sounds like a good performance, I've seen Fiji play and they're a rough handful.
  7. Call me a cynic but I've got the feeling the Aussie's would like Carberry in the Test side. It's not the first time they've played somebody into the side.
  8. There are advantages to finishing top of the pile guys.
  9. Mm, he had to go in my opinion. He's not dealing with a full deck.
  10. It's about entertainment. Are you normally entertained watching a game of Rugby League ? I am. I'd say 8 out of 10 RL games are great entertainment, in football these days it may be 3 games out of 10.
  11. BWR, I'm a very patient person normally but you're stating to get on my nerves. I have never advocated banning a person and I have never put a person on ignore but you are getting very close. The the issue you raised has been done to death, you have your views the rest of the board have their's. Let's leave it at that.
  12. I'm going to the Fiji v Ireland game at Spotland tonight. It's a sell out. I think the last game to sell out there was the Widnes v Oldham play off final a dozen years ago. I believe the New Zealand v Samoa game last night was awesome. Why aren't more games live on the BBC ?
  13. There's room for improvement in both teams but I suspect the Aussies will get better to a greater degree than we will.
  14. Same old story. Discipline and poor decision making killed us.
  15. I'm afraid you're right. The guy shouldn't be in charge of a national team.
  16. I see Gareth Hock won't be taking any further part in the competition.
  17. Thanks for that Audax. The match commissioner pulled our announcer after the game to reprimand him. The score was about 74-0 nil at the time with about 5 minutes to the final whistle. The Fijians were really great after the game, signing autographs and giving people endless photo opportunities. The whole squad gathered together in the bar after to sing their team song, you could have heard a pin drop, it was fabulous. Try and find it on YouTube, you'll be impressed.If team spirit counts for anything these guys will be a threat, Are you coming over for the Fiji v Ireland game ?
  18. I went to the Hornets v Fiji pre World Cup run out game yesterday. We had a scratch side out with some key players already on pre-arranged holidays but Fiji looked a very decent side. I think they may give England a fright. Their full back was outstanding, we couldn't lay a hand on him.
  19. I'd say start your own thread, then we can all ignore you completely.
  20. Really. I'm surprised, I always thought the standards were pretty high there. I always have the Seafood Special and I've never had any problems. I'm taking my wife to " Evuna " on Deansgate this evening. It's a very nice tapas bar but a a bit pricey. They do churos as a sweet, you get about six sausage length pieces for about £ 6.00. Last time we went my wife photographed them and sent the picture to her dad who lives in Spain. He nearly had a fit, for that price you get a spiral about two metres long over there. First of all I tried to book " El Rincon " but the woman on the phone wouldn't accept a booking for two ! I don't know wether that applies just to Saturdays or not.
  21. Zouk off Oxford Road. Try the special sea food curry.
  22. Did I go to Leigh ? Is a bluebird blue ? What a great day out at a nice little ground. The weather was great and so was our performance. I've seen us get promoted twice before but that's the first time I've seen us win any sort of trophy and I first went to a Rugby League in 1966. Can you imagine how that felt ! Fantastic ! I've still not got over it. What a week, Rovers win two games as well . Congratulations to Wigan, great achievement for the club. Let's hope we can beat the other Wigan today.
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