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Tyrone Shoelaces

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Everything posted by Tyrone Shoelaces

  1. Ignore him Jim, he'll soon go away if nobody responds.
  2. Of course it's allowed but try and think of something new to say. You're boring the kean off most of us.
  3. Good weekend for my teams. Rovers maintained their unbeaten run. My other team, Rochdale Hornets, won the play-off semi-final against local rivals Oldham 22-23 with a last minute drop goal ! We're in the final now, one win away from promotion ! The England cricket team also won a cliff hanger.
  4. Mm , I can walk there in 10 minutes. I must try it. In spite of the demographics Rochdale is a bit of a desert for good curry houses.
  5. I think it's been a good series. Anybody who thinks otherwise has probably been spoiled by recent Ashes series. In the past we've had some real boring rubbers. The teams were closer than the result suggests but Australia were very fortunate not to lose 4-0 yesterday.
  6. It would have been interesting to see if they'd have taken the teams off if the series would have been standing at one Test each !
  7. Quite an achievement for the town. There's not many towns or cities that could have possibly done that. Leeds, Hull, Bradford, Salford ( the red rats are in Salford ). Huddersfield in the old days ?
  8. I still can't believe the selectors thought it was appropriate to bring in two novices in a Test against the old enemy. Being brutally honest it's like playing with nine and a half players. I hope both of the kids go on to great things but Kerrigan's confidence must be shattered. A very strange decision that has handed the initiative to the Aussie's.
  9. In the old days the Rugby League cup final always seemed to be a really good game. It usually put the previous weeks football final to shame. Recently the Rugby League cup finals have been a bit dull in my opinion. A pal of mine was a real Rugby League fan and didn't have much time for soccer. I walked into my local on the night of the football final and said, " Did you see the Final today Harry " ? Quick as a flash he replied " It's not while next week " !
  10. Can't see Broad being much bothered. He doesn't see the type to get rattled by Aussies. They must be worried because as a pal of mine once said " They never bother booing a bad 'un ". I agree about the two new guys, it's at least a season too soon for both of them. Also playing the two of them in the same game is madness. I don't know what the selectors were thinking of.
  11. Back to the cricket. I see Tim Bresnan is out of the series with a stress fracture of the back. He'll be badly missed, , you could rely on him to get the odd vital wicket or play a gutsy innings at key times. We can replace his bowling ( Tremlett, Finn, Onions ) but not his around ability.
  12. I am doing. It's great the Aussies are struggling. Long may it continue. The've lorded it over us for too long in the past. If we could just beat the buggers at Rugby League I really would be over the moon.
  13. The minute you start " hating " other teams you're no longer seeing things rationally, your judgment is coloured by your prejudices.
  14. You don't have to take him seriously Steve. I'll have a bit of banter but I know he's not dealing from a full deck.
  15. No test between us and the Aussies is meaningless. We can make it 4-0 and send them home with their tails between their legs. That'll enable us to establish the mental upper hand for the series in Australia. That's what I liked about the Manchester test, they must have been really keaned off with the rain. Living there and therefore having been rained on for most of my life it was nice to have a slight payback.
  16. Jim, please don't big any other England players up. Prior has hardly scored a run since you were singing his praises ! Great win for the team though. Where do Australia go from here ? That was an old ' England ' style collapse. Not much from our friend from the sub continent I see.
  17. Prior's had a poor series up to now. He needs to weigh in with some runs because he's not good enough to be played for his wicket keeping alone. Haddin has had much the better series so far.
  18. Deciding wether to walk or not is a personal issue. Not many walk these days. It's not cheating.
  19. Yeah, he wasn't " backwards at coming forwards " as my mum used to say.
  20. Warne was a once in a life time bowler. He could possibly be the best spin bowler ever, he was probably the best leg spinner ever.
  21. Bloody hell Blue and White Rover. it's a good job you weren't around in the " Bodyline " era, we'd have never heard the last of it ! I suppose you'd see that as cheating as well.
  22. The next two Tests aren't meaningless at all, we get to beat the Keans twice more with a bit of luck !
  23. I don't hate Australians in the slightest, I've got Australian pals. I just like beating them at any sport from tiddlywinks upwards. They feel the same about us, it's called a sporting rivalry.
  24. Are you being serious ? You can't beat Australia by enough, often enough. I'd like to have won this series six games out of five. I'd settle for a 4-0 though. No, clowns are funny.
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