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Tyrone Shoelaces

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Everything posted by Tyrone Shoelaces

  1. Yeah, I know. It fits for the comp though. " Red Hot " - Sam the Sham and the Phaorohs.
  2. No way, I would have gone with " The Onion Song " by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell " Thick As Thieves " - The Jam.
  3. Most of that post is written in the past tense. What's gone is gone. We've lived on memories and reputations for too long at this club. They count for nothing in this league as we've just found out. Is he going to play a signifcant role in us getting out of this division at the right end ? Is he the sort of player that will shine in this division ? I think even his admirers know the answer to those two questions. That's all I'm concerned about, will he strengthen the team or weaken it going into next season ?
  4. Your opinion is that he's useful, mine is that he isn't. Players tend to look at high earning lightweights and think " Well if he can get away with it so can I ". That's how teams end up getting relegated. Top earners have to set an example.
  5. " The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore " - Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons.
  6. JIM, I said earlier it was my opinion. I think that should make it pretty clear. On other issues ( politics ) it could be said you are also like a broken record. It doesn't mean you are wrong concerning those issues though does it ?
  7. You need to read what I actually said earlier. We can't get rid of him, that's obvious,. In spite of him being such an asset nobody else will take him off our hands. For now we'll have to let him laugh all the way to the bank. I just wouldn't play him the team. When we last renewed his contract I and a few others said it was madness.
  8. I haven't got a problem. What I have got is an opinion. That opinion is we can no longer afford to pay bit part players a sum northern of of a million pounds a year. Be they Pedersen, Dunn, Murphy , Etuhu, Bentley, Nuno Gomes, Givet, Robinson, the list is a lengthy one, and that's only some of them. Those days are well and truly over. Anybody worth a million pounds a year at Rovers needs to play 40 games a season and be worthy of a place and are not being played because we are paying them daft money. I.E. coming on at half time and doing a bit is not what I'm referring to. You may have a problem with that opinion, but you won't have for long.
  9. I wouldn't have in me the team. We can't move him on because nodody else is daft eniough to pay him that sort of money. There must be a reason for that.
  10. We're talking about a guy pulling in £40 k a week and you're telling me we couldn't do better ! He's not on his own, we've got plenty in the same situation. We aren't Jack's team anymore. That's £ 2 million pounds a year. And for what, knocking a few short passes around and taking the odd corner and free kick that we never score from ! Winning headers that go nowhere ? It's no longer sustainable. There are people on this site that need to wise up pretty quickly.
  11. The steak and kidney pudding used to be great. A few years ago you could have a combo of a of a third steak and kidney pudding , a third of their cheese and onion pie and a third of their corn beef hash ! I never tried it myself, although I've had each of those and they're delicious.
  12. Who will we get that's better than MGP for £ 40k a week ! Where do you want me to start ?
  13. Re MGP never getting injured. - He won't if he never gets a tackle in. Re left footed strikers of the ball.- I take it you were left footed then matey ! I tend to agree with your comment though, left footed players are usually excellent strikers of the ball but their right is normally strictly for standing on.
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