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Tyrone Shoelaces

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Everything posted by Tyrone Shoelaces

  1. I'd have him, he's streets ahead of the dross we've got pulling on shirts in central midfield at the moment. Barton or Andrews- err, let me think. At least he cares about losing, I'm exempting Andrews from this , he cares as well. The rest , well do they ?
  2. Just one of them would do me, either would be a massive improvement. Harrison was the best penalty taker I've seen at Ewood and that includes Shearer.
  3. According to todays Guardian our former left winger Joe Haverty died on the 7th of this month. Joe was a Jack Marshall signing from Arsenal who came for the reasonably large sum of £ 20,000 in August of 1961 to replace the populat Ally McCleod. Although Joe was an established Eire international and a great favourite at Highbury he sadly never really shone at Ewood and was allowed to leave Rovers for Millwall at a nominal fee in September 1962. He played 27 games for Rovers and scored 1 goal. His replacement, Mike Harrison, was a bit more successful. Joe played in the first Rovers game I attended ( Home v Sheff Utd , Sept 30th 1961 ) , Our forward line that day was Crowe , England, Lawther, Douglas and Haverty. Douglas at 5ft 6ins towered over Joe who was only 5ft 3ins tall ! R.I.P. Joe. and condolences to his family.
  4. Time to call it a day Pal.You're making a fool of yourself.
  5. I agree with most of your post, our football was turgid and dull with one or two exceptions, these were mostly away from own when our style of play suited the situation. The sort of player that gets you up out of your seat was missing apart really from Bentley, lets hope our new manager can rectify the situation, one of the reasons I didn't go as much last season was the poor entertainment on display.
  6. No, a thousand times no! The guy's a total liability, We did well to get rid let's keep it that way.
  7. That's another one whose form will take a nose dive. They should give 'em a vasectomy when they sign on !
  8. Petrov would do for me at Ewood, just imagine Santa or Benny getting on the end of those crosses ! I saw him playing in the last world cup for Bulgaria v Italy on a terrible rainy night and for 45 minutes he slaughtered the Italian right wing, second half he was quiet but had done enough to put the game out of sight by then ( just like last night , how Bianchi missed that one I'll never know). He was still in Bulgaria then , we could have had him cheap ( he went to Wolfsburg). Last night second half, we tightened up on him, more importantly tightened up on the players who were feeding him, and Emmo gave him a dig or two. As for Pedersen his main failing is an embarrassing lack of pace off the mark, Zurab could mark him comfortably ! I've known other slow wingers, they made up for having no pace by being crafty, pulling their marker around, but most all being aggresive when they got a chance to cross the ball. Pedersen gets half way round his man , the full back leans on him and he just gives up the battle. He needs to toughen up physically and mentally, he seems to have a sunny disposition that prevents him getting nasty, he needs to get mad a few times.
  9. There's a few midfielders playing now who could take us up to the next level , problem is can we afford them.
  10. I thought Carsley was ok, Sherwood and Wilcox never set the world on fire for me, Sherwood was very lucky to captain a championship winning side. One question- what did either of them do after leaving Rovers ? Carsley- holding down a place in a good Everton side at present !
  11. I've got the dvd of the game and I've watched it several times ! Dougan appears to pull up after about 5 mins, after that he may as well come and sat next to me for all he contributed. We were as good as playing with 9 men after Dave Whelan broke his leg just before half time in the hottest cup final I can remember ( no subs in those days ). What was going on in Dougan's head during this period we'll never know now, what I can't understand is why he was ever allowed to pull the shirt on again !
  12. MIDO !!!!!!!!!!! Do not mention this player again in the same breath as Blackburn Rovers, I'd rather play with 10 men ! You have been warned !
  13. That changes nothing from my reading of what he said. Words to the effect of " I'm happy here but if something else ( better ) comes along we'll see ".
  14. I think it's known as " Flying a kite", you get one of your journo mates to release the rumour and wait and see what happens- Chelsea and co step in, it's your lucky day, if nothing happens you just deny all knowledge.
  15. If he wants to go sell him, in the words of the immortal Bill Shankly talking about another player " He's got a heart as big as a caraway seed ", he's just used us as a stepping stone and his level of comitment has never been great to me. Darren Bent would be a good bet , younger, faster, as good a finisher and with a heart a good bit bigger than a caraway seed.
  16. Dead right, I couldn't care less where he's from or what colour he his, he could be from Mars as far as I'm concerned. He's alienating the Rovers faithful because of his attitude pure and simple. The reason most people on this board idolized Bellamy and Jansen wasn't because of their ability alone it was because they were prepared to bust a gut for the team,
  17. I saw that pen in the Charlton- Wigan game, absolutely ridiculous, it's 0-0 five minutes from the end of a relegation dog fight, a ball is knocked into the box, there's a bit of a challenge , a Charlton player falls over and the ref gives a pen ! In that circumstance he's effectively given one team three points, in my opinion at that stage in the game the referee has got to be SURE it's a pen and not just think it might have been ! Saw in the paper at weekend we're leading the penalties list in the premiership, 10 against and 8 for in 31 games - ridiculous.
  18. Watched Mc Eveley playing for Derby on the goals programme, he's not got any better has he ?
  19. First tackle a sure booking, you can't go in like that in todays football, really stupid thing to do. The second one was harsh, I thought both players were holding each other- if we would have had the ball and made that pass at that point we would have probably got the free kick, that's how it is with modern referees, he just gave it to the attacking team.
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