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Tyrone Shoelaces

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Everything posted by Tyrone Shoelaces

  1. I don't know wether he'll go or not but quite a few of our rivals will have plenty of dosh to spend in the window. I'm thinking Portsmouth, Villa, Everton , maybe City, Tottenham ,maybe even West Ham, there'll be plenty of interest.
  2. Phil, Ooijer broke his leg a while ago not 5 hours before the transfr deadline. !
  3. Report in todays " Observer " - " Blackburn blocked a £1 million Wigan move for Andy Todd just five hours before the transfer deadline" ! Just what is going on ?
  4. John Coddington, worst penalty taker ever seen at Ewood, 40 yrs later I'm still chuckling !
  5. Yeh , I can see how he gets injured as well , his commitment is tremendous and he seems to go for balls that aren't really his. He gets more of these than his share but is exposing himself to unscrupulous opponents putting a sneaky boot in.
  6. It would be foolish to play any of the returnees tonight, it's no way to start a comeback on a treacherous pitch.
  7. I agree with most of what has been said about Gallagher but I also think he's a natural finisher, he senses where the ball is going and is good at getting on the end of goal mouth chances' he's also got a cool head in front of goal. However given the way we ( and most premiership teams ) play these days he's never going to get the chance to play alongside a good target man with two wingers firing in crosses all afternoon, if he'd have played for somebody like Reading last season he would have got loads of goals. I'm afraid that style of play has gone out of fashion especially when you're struggling and Gallagher looks likea fish out of water playing in any other position at our level. We can't afford both Gally and Jeffers and of the two I just about prefer Jeffers.
  8. For a tall guy his heading is woeful, he doesn't seem to relish the bodily contact that comes with making contested headers. Something needs to be done before the long ball to the far post becomes a tactic for all our opponents.
  9. My information came from the article he ( Nelsen ) wrote in the programme for the Wigan game. The injury was so serious and unusual that Rovers couldn't find a football injury specialist to treat it, they had to go to Scandinavia to find a doctor who specialised in ski-ing injuries to get him operated on. Excuse my trepidation but that sounds serious to me- I'm keeping my fingers crossed but if the lad is back to top form before the end of the season I'll be mightily relieved.
  10. You're wrong there Joey, Most teams had a Tugay-esque player in their team then. From our own Bryan Douglas, there was Jimmy Mac at Burnley, John White at Spurs, George Eastham at Arsenal, Johnny Haynes at Fulham, Bobby Collins/Johnny Giles at Leeds, Alan Suddick/Alan Ball at Blackpool, Jimmy Bloomfield at Birmingham, Ian Gibson at Leicester, Pat Crerand at United, Terry Venables at Chelsea- I could go on and on, names that may mean nothing to you but I would give my right arm for any one of them to be playing for the Rovers on Saturday. Another thing they played where the boots were flying in the opposition half not in the " Glory Hole" in front of your own back four.
  11. Good post, you forgot that Sol guy from Wolves ( Korean or Japanese ),I think they paid about £1 mill for him, I'd have had him like a shot.
  12. When you are due to play another team and you're trying to figure out who is likely to win a good way is to see how many of each team would make up a combined team, well here goes. I've played to a fair standard and watched more games than I care to think about over the years and I try really hard to be objective but I 've got say if you had a combined team from the early sixties and now only Brad Friedel and maybe Lucas Neill would get in it , If Ryan Nelsen was fit and on his previous form he would get in and Tugay would be good enough apart from the fact that you would have to leave out either Bryan Douglas or Ronnie Clayton to fit him in. The rest of the present team would be no where. Would any other romanticists who have actually seen both teams like a go? Just a point- In 1963-64 First Division season Andy Mc Evoy scored 4 goals in one game twice as well as 3 hat tricks, Fred Pickering just made do with 3 hat tricks before he left for Everton ( got a hat trick on his debut for them though ), but then again you can't really compare can you ?????????????? We don't have that many SHOTS in about 5 games never mind goals !
  13. There's still nothing like that walk from the station up to the ground, even now the feeling as you approach the ground is great. I loved the old ground but nothing's forever and facilities wise the new ground is superb. Things I miss are standing by the low wall on the Riverside, being able to change ends at half time, the cantilever stand at the Blackburn end. Hopefully when I go to the great changing room in the sky my ashes will be scattered in the goalmouth at the Blackburn end.
  14. Incomparable, yeh in terms of entertainment you're dead right, cut me in half and i'll be Blue and White but hand on heart watching our present team is about as entertaining as going to the dentist and just as expensive. I don't expect us to win every game or even most games but I'd like to see us play with a bit of style and a bit of class. Being brutally honest it was more exciting watching that 1960's team shooting in before the game than it is watching our present team actually play. Fife and myself saw that team and from time to time we see our team of today so we are allowed our opinions, believe me there is no comparison from the entertainment angle, even in the 3rd Div we had forwards who could take people on and skin them and centre halves who put the fear of God into the opposition. I go to games to see people do what I couldn't do as a player, I could run around a lot , put a foot in, pass it square or back 10 to 15 yds, head a bit, these guys are the top of the tree and most of them can't do anymore than that.
  15. I'm looking for the same score as the last time we played them at Ewood, I hope the gate is better though !
  16. The ability to dribble with ball at pace is another skill you rarely see today, no wonder Ronaldo and Giggs cause havoc for the red rats, fullbacks today rarely get to play against players like these and don't know how to cope when they do. I'm of the generation who played football from morning to night as a youth ( wallie in winter time under the street lights against a gable end, you soon get to be two footed playing that game ). No coaching until I was 16, you just watched your favourite players and tried to play like them. I learnt more about playing full back from watching Keith Newton close up than from any book or coach. I don't know what they teach at the accademy but its not how to beat people with the ball at your feet.
  17. The first team that I really saw play regularly the ,team of the early sixties had- Fred Else ,born in Wigan. John Bray, - Great Harwood. Keith Newton - Manchester. Ronnie Clayton - Preston. Matt Woods - Liverpool. Mike England - Wales Mike Ferguson - Burnley. Andy Mc Evoy - Eire Fred Pickering - Blackburn. Bryan Douglas - Blackburn. Mike Harrison - Ilford. That was it , 8 Lancastrians, a Welshman and a lad from Eire plus 1 Southern Softie. We could have easily fielded Byrom and Ratcliffe for Mc EVoy and Harrison and had an all Lancashire forward line , with 4 of them from Blackburn itself. Where have all our local talented players gone ?
  18. I reckon Scholes is a lot more physically imposing than either of our two ( Tugay and Bentley ), he' a nasty sod who's spiteful in the tackle and gets away with murder. As for Makelele, well I wish we had 4 in midfield who can tackle like he can.
  19. What about that sitter he missed Fife, showboating again , he tried to make a simple tap in look difficult by trying to shuffle volley it and completely missed the ball. If that had have gone in it would have been 3-0 , game over, and a chance to give Peter and Derbyshire some serious game time but no he just played for himself. I don't want any player wearing the blue and white to fail but he's really doing my head in, without doubt the most infuriating player we've had since Dwight Yorke. The left wing position is a real problem at the moment, I'd like to see us bring in a leftsided striker in January , I've run out of patience with MGP. We need a player who can run at people and get round the outside regularly, not once a game.
  20. Jim , the guy he elbowed was Dietmar Bruck who'd been allowed by the referee to kick lumps out of him the for the first 30 minutes, Fergie shrugs him off and Bruck goes down like he's been shot, first time I saw a player dive ( but not the last ! ) The game i'd like to change the result of is Oxford V Rovers in the F.A. Cup in 1964, I really thought we were going to go all the way that year, most of the big sides were already out and we were better than the rest (West Ham V 2nd div Preston was the final that year, we would have beaten either of them ). Not only did we miss out on a golden opportunity to win a big trophy but going out of the cup at that point led to our star striker Fred Pickering leaving us for Everton and the gradual break-up of the most entertaining Rovers team in my life time, and was the beginning of the slide that led to our two relegations leaving us struggling in the old div.3.
  21. Fife Rover , yes I did type B and at first a B was what I got, can you explain ?
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