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Everything posted by Flopsy

  1. she's eitehr dead or out of the country. I beleive in this and other countries that a system's been installed that a local area and nationwide alert goes out if a child goes missing/abducted Appears to have worked quite well in France
  2. I hadnt heard that Scouse, just that the front door hadnt been forced
  3. Evil Religious Fanatic Abuses Children and gets protected by his type Thought I'd have a go at Smithy type post. In regards to this poor girls disapearance. 1) It appears that the Portuguese Police's systems are completely unprepared to deal with a situation like this 2) Do many parents leave their 3 young children unattended? Even if they do pop back to see them every 30 minutes or so? 3) What chances Maddy woke up, and went looking for her parents and then got a) Lost b ) stolen?
  4. Actualy I thought it was inspired by the "Pirates of the Carribean" show at Disney World
  5. we're going to lose him and the Axe (possibly Samba as well) when the African nations kicks off next january
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/6606249.stm Looks like a good summer - but 3 hours for PoTCIII !!!!! Dear god the last one dragged a bit but three hours!!
  7. thought Taxi Driver was nowhere near as good as the hype said it was. Loved Goodfellows
  8. no, its the first time we're free to go
  9. its not destroying it, more just diapointed that it hasnt carried on the upward curve, more leveled out. Still, I'll be going next wednesday
  10. But the ending Matt, the ending. I loved the film up until the credits started, I was sat there going "oh was that it?" I need better closure damnit!!!
  11. It would have been saved if it had built up to a decent ending, instead it just built up and then just ended. I was very disapointed. Any one seen History of Violence?
  12. ooo - all part from Children (dull dull dull) are great, you dont fancy lending me some of those on MP3 does ya?
  13. Just imagine a version of Running man with Z list Celeb's
  14. MATT DAAAAMON MATT DAAAAMON http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKpuUVP9sQ0
  15. Striptease properly scared me. No! Put them away Demi, put them awaaaaaaay
  16. you got an electronic version? IHB - On the move - one of those dance tracks which should be utterly rubbish but in fact was genius. Reach for the Lasers.
  17. no martial arts? Is it good though? And I thought "House of flying dagger" was a bit like a "History of Violence" good but let down terribly by the ending
  18. funny, I thought it was the best one.
  19. But Oasis, I feel were more influenced by the Stone Roses than the Beatles. After listening to Dance Anthems last Sunday and hearing some travesty of a cover of Bianry Finary's 1998 (There was singing over it!!!!The HORROR!! THE INFAMY!!! etc) I was having a mooch through my old Dance/Trance collection (1995 - 2003 - the best years of decent House and Trance) could I recommend that people have a look at Binary Finanry's - 1998 Mario Picotto - Lizard Energy 52 - Cafe Del Mar (1998) Paul Van Dyke - For An Angel South Side Spinners - Luvstruck Barthezz - On the Move Joss Wink - Higher States of Consciousness Pianoman - Blurred Blank and Jones - Cream System F - Out of the Blue Ooo the nostalgia's come flooding back, Gatecrasher, Godskitchen, Cream, Globalgathering, Glow Sticks, sweat dripping off the ceiling at the Sanctury, happy days. Right im off to find my whistle
  20. carefull, I dont know whether his heart can take that amount of excitement, if that doesnt, these might: Clicky
  21. if you know there's been illegal approaches have you told the club?
  22. the battles were good, shame about the rest of it
  23. Roberts the Grenadian? Or from one of the West Indies islands?
  24. Gates of Fire If you're interested in a more realistic version of what happened this book's rather good. Go and watch 300 in the Cinema I'm not sure it'll translate taht well onto the small screen
  25. Wolverine - stylised remake of the Graphic Novel (at times almost perfect translation from page to screen) Involves the Persian King/God Emperor wanting to invade Ancient Greece (at the time a nation of allied City States) with a massive hoard. Leonardis, King of Sparta, realises that they need to stop the invasion and can use a mountain pass to negate the Persian's superior numbers. Some Politicking takes place which means that the Spartan army can not march and Leonardis then takes 300 hand picked troops to the "Gates of Fire" to stop or at least delay the Persian advance. In reality, 300 spartans went out and fought, along with household slaves and ancilleries, but that doesnt make such artistic prose. The battle gave time for the City States to mobilise and then fight a battle the following year which allowed Western Civilisation to continue on its path. Some Trailers Its a silly film, but I really enjoyed it
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