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  1. I wonder if Placheta is on our radar. Was on loan at Brum under Eustace but was hampered by injuries. Previously highly rated but his stock has fallen. Could be worth a go. Recently released by Swansea.
  2. You’d hope this would be a learning point for the owners/Waggot that investing in young players is financially worthwhile even when they flop.
  3. Bittersweet moment tonight. Pleased for Adam who has stepped up so well since leaving. So saddened though that we sold our crown jewel for a relative pittance to the first bidder and replaced him with an aging crock who lasted 15 mins. We then forgot to press submit on a vaguely promising transfer who we’d already announced to help relieve the anger at selling AW. The worst January transfer window since the January before. Do we get anything right? When the main objective is to penny pinch at all costs this is what happens. I’d say I hope we have a clause for extra payments related to international appearances, but we wouldn’t see a penny of it anyway. I hope we see AW at Ewood again in the twilight of his career with new ownership.
  4. Slightly positive opinion incoming. We will survive next week and we will be grateful for the scrappy home points we’ve scraped together against Norwich, Southampton, Plymouth, Millwall and Coventry. It’s not been great and there have been some catastrophic performances along the way but we have amassed 50 points which is more than enough in most years and it will take a fairly unlikely (not very unlikely I accept) set of results to see us relegated next week. Eustace rightly won’t get a lot of credit, but he’s not been Eusless as the squad he inherited was completely bereft of confidence and ability. Yes you should beat a tired Coventry side down to 10 men, but they have good players and regularly score late and perform against the odds. Losing would have made next week significantly more perilous.
  5. The drubbing at Ashton gate is looking more and more costly
  6. A must not lose game to pretty much secure our championship position and Pears does that! Now the situation is perilous again. I just can’t believe how calamitous it was. It shouldn’t impact him as he’s a highly paid professional, but having 7400 fans in the away end behind him clearly doesn’t help matters. Nullifying whatever home advantage we had is utterly preposterous. It shows a complete lack of care and footballing insight. It’s one of a litany of atrocious decisions and errors since the O’Brien shambles and frankly we deserve relegation. I still suspect we will stay up and for a few days that will feel good, but then the runaway mine train that is Blackburn Rovers will continue to speed towards ruination. I feel so sad for my 6 year old son who wants to support his Dad’s team so badly, but he now prefers to just ignore what happens at the club because it’s clearly something that’s very difficult to get behind.
  7. Perversely, I think we will stay up and despite the utter shambles that was last night, I have an inkling we might grind out a couple of surprise draws from the remaining fixtures and that might be enough. I feel Huddersfield, Brum and maybe even Plymouth are equally as useless as us and they need a few points to surpass us. I also don’t have an issue with the Eustace’s post-match interview. I thought it was okay. He accepted we were rubbish and apologised but threw nobody under a bus which seems sensible given the critical situation we find ourselves in.
  8. Why did Sammie play the full 90 mins when he’s clearly exhausted? Once the game has gone at 3-0 surely you bring him off?
  9. Speechless. Choking when it matters most. Same happened last season albeit at the other end of the table. Rotten to the core.
  10. I can’t see us firing him even if we lose every remaining fixture. It would cost some money. We don’t fire managers anymore as the owners aren’t interested enough to bother. Mowbray’s contract expired and JDT was so desperate to leave he made his position completely untenable. A proactive club who cared/paid attention might roll the dice again in an attempt to eke out a few extra points. A couple of wins would probably be enough. Instead we will hope to scrape a few draws and pray that the other clubs do worse.
  11. My thoughts exactly. Sell Kaminski and fail to replace him on the cheap. Sell AW and bring in a crock who lasted 15 mins. Mess up (another) transfer deal on deadline day meaning we have no striker to start a crucial game.
  12. He went for too small a sum and we ‘replaced’ him with a young unproven keeper who has been shown to be vastly inferior. They made a small profit though and brought in someone cheaper. We are eroded as a consequence of their cost cutting.
  13. Kaminski playing for Belgium in midweek and Pears costing us a critical point on the weekend is a perfect example of how the Venkys are destroying us.
  14. I’m clutching at straws here, but facing the top teams at the end of the season is not the worst time to play them. They are all pushing for the automatic spots and pressure can do strange things to good teams. The end of the season always throws up some surprise results. A couple of fluke wins might be enough or failing that we rely on 2 of our competitors crashing badly and us stumbling over the line and a few more draws.
  15. A lot of negativity around (rightly so). Last night was pretty lame, but it was a 6 pointer and losing would have been a lot worse.
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