I got home in time to catch the 6 o'clock news for a change yesterday. I began to wish I hadn't when every other story was in some way related to "global warming". I put global warming in speech markings because unlike the media who now believe it to be fact, I do not share this view and haven't seen I bit of evidence to suggest that this actually happening.
Now I'm not one of these "i'm all right Jack" characters or somebody trying to justify driving everywhere in a petrol guzzler and I do agree that we (America and China) probably cannot carry on as we are doing with emissions but, what the hell do we know about how the world works. We have been keeping accurate weather recording for just over 100 years now, and how old is the earth? A lot bloody older than that. We know nothing about ice ages, why the north sea was once tropical, the sun etc. Our records tell us sod all and if they did perhaps they can explain the flood marking at York that are some 2 meters higher than any flood seen in the past 200 years, or the sealife fossils to found on the old sea bed which we now call the top of Pendle hill.
So when exactly did global warming become fact? I'm at a total loss to this. One minute there was an academic discussion on the subject and now because a few politicians bang on about it, it becomes fact.