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Everything posted by Exiled_Rover

  1. Watching this Spanish team it's a shame diving has crept into the game - the honesty was one of the few charms it had as a spectator sport.
  2. That's the problem with Hedges - he's a tidy player until it comes to the final ball (pass or shoot) and then he's terrible. He's a very useful squad player, but god help you if he starts every week.
  3. I don't think he was brought in as our main goal threat - Waggot and co just slashed the budget after the fact. He was brought in to add depth / replace Vale.
  4. Mate, if you're scared of Watford and Plymouth you're in for a long season.
  5. We'll see. His movement is good, so is his touch and his hold up play... he's just fluffed two very presentable chances so far. He's also scored an absolutely fantastic goal in the cup.
  6. Another game where 'Pears played well' and we concede twice. When is this Swede going to get the gloves?
  7. Really disappointed in the defending for their two goals if I'm honest - really basic stuff. As impressed as I've been with Ennis' all-round play that's twice now he should have easily scored. His finishing is a big question mark for me.
  8. As I said it's the EFL, so week 1 you get booked for kicking the ball away and 15 minutes of extra time. By week 3 we're back to normal. Knobs.
  9. We just badly need reinforcements, it's such a threadbare squad and there's nothing upfront.
  10. So apparently THAT'S a freekick against Gallagher, but Wharton being bundled over from behind on the penalty spot isn't a foul.
  11. They've played with 10 men for most of the match - I'm not quite sure what you want. LOL only 6 minutes. Fuck the EFL and this bollocks initiative.
  12. Shocking cross that from Hedges with nobody around him and 2 players to pick out in the box - we need significantly better.
  13. Got to manage Szmodics carefully - he'll run his blood to water if you let him and it's a long season.
  14. Hull player kicks the ball away and no yellow card. Another officiating idea that's been dropped after 3 games, along with the extended extra time.
  15. Who's playing RB? I'd also bet that Leonard is quicker than Ennis.
  16. I'd like to see him with some actual service before writing him off. He's clearly very athletic, technically sound and works his socks off. Unfortunately he's 5'10" / 5'11" so isn't going to win many aerial duels and he's not got electric pace. He'll cause teams problems with his movement, but nobody is finding him (Wharton did, but he fired in the pass).
  17. Hedges fucks you off - that's a brilliant turn and run to end the half. Then he'll fumble the shot / pass at the end of it. Such a frustrating player.
  18. Szmodics has replaced Dolan at LW - so it's 4-2-2-1 (Hedges wide right, Szmodics wide left, Leonard up top).
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