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Everything posted by Exiled_Rover

  1. I'd rather they all get a rest to be honest. If the FA pull out this ridiculous, profit spinning, Home Nations rubbish I for one hope all of our UK players claim injury.
  2. What does this achieve, exactly? If they had any pull with the FA they wouldn't have allowed McClown to have been hired in the first place.
  3. It's a better answer than "No, I'm perfectly happy sitting on the bench." That's not the type of player Hughes has in his squad.
  4. Good lord, don't scare me like that! I thought his hamstring injury had returned.
  5. He's a Championship star......and a below average Premiership player.
  6. Yep - very much like watching an extended episode of the later series. The show has lost it's way - not even in Family Guy's league.
  7. Smart move, he has nothing more to prove at that level. I'd rather he get a rest than play in a minor international, especially after the Dyer/Jenas tripe against Brazil.
  8. So where is Bentley right now? With the full squad, or the U21s? If it's the latter, I hope Hughes pulls him from the squad and gives him a well deserved rest - it's going to be another long season and we'll need a healthy Bentley.
  9. I'm actually reading that the movie was butchered by the studio. Link
  10. Or just carpet bomb the place like they eventually did with t'Roughnecks. It's escapism either way. I saw Spider-man 3 tonight. Utter, utter tripe. Such a letdown because the other two were pretty entertaining.
  11. It's his first season in the Premiership; most foreign players struggle in their Premier League debuts. He's only going to get better, and he's hardly been shoddy this year. Champions League money is worth £10m a year - so they're getting an initial investment, but losing out on the potential gravy train for the forseeable future. It'd be a mistake to do that. I have no idea about any clauses. I didn't draw up his contract.
  12. Higgins has finally won his second World Championship - about time too. He tried his best to throw it away mind.
  13. Spurs would be foolish to sell Berbatov, even for £40m. The Champions League money is worth much more than that and Berbatov is good enough to carry them there - he's truly special.
  14. I'm surprised Sergio has re-signed with the club. He's not getting a sniff, rightly or wrongly, behind Pedersen.
  15. Derb's second touch was a cool finish across the keeper. Nonda, in comparison, missed an absolute sitter. I for one hope we don't bring him back.
  16. It's pretentious, the dialogue is appalling, and most of the acting is mediocre. Nicholson simply wheeled out his 'crazy' character we've seen countless times before - he slept through his scenes. Each to their own I suppose, but if a film is as hyped as this one I'm going to be a lot more critical.
  17. Finally got round to seeing 'The Departed'. It's a bit rubbish isn't it? Tries to be something it isn't.
  18. Bloody made up language. They only speak it when the English are around. Oh and Higgins to win it.
  19. It's going to take a few of us, isn't it? Reid, Benni, Nonda, Samba, Roberts - quite a handful. I'll have to round up the boys in the back of my pickup(!) The reason Benni and Nonda take a lot of flak on these boards isn't due to their colour, surprisingly. It's down to the fact that both show questionable workrates. Benni could cut his offsides in half if he simply jogged back onside after every goal kick....instead of strolling back and taking himself out of the game if we win the ball. Likewise, Nonda's lost his pace, but he's big enough and skillfull enough to be a real handful if he put himself about. He has done it, on occasion, but he again seems to suffer from Benni's trait of strolling around off the ball.
  20. He'd be a fantastic buy at £5m (bearing in mind the resources they have at their disposal) - having Benni come off the bench as the third striker would be a huge upgrade over what they have now.
  21. Not really - every other striker in England is injured, and he's RIDICULOUSLY overhyped. It's Walcott territory.
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