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Everything posted by Exiled_Rover

  1. Why isn't he on the bench you, sarcy barsteward?
  2. Savage took a beating in both United matches and no action was taken. Pedersen's been kicked off the park a few times recently, Bolton especially, and little has been done. We touch the opposition and it's a foul. That's how I see it right now, and I'm not a homer by any stretch of the imagination.
  3. Anyone else get the feeling we get hard done to? If a Rovers player had been clattered like Axe seems to have been they'd be off the field.
  4. The movement next year upfront is going to be exciting if Bellamy can actually stay healthy and we can afford Bentley. The defending on the other hand......very wide open game right now, the Axe needs to stamp his authority!
  5. He's not a forward eh? Bentley and Bellamy should be our starting strikers! Brilliant play from Reidy too.
  6. Even if you disregard his excellent management of the club, he's become an Ewood legend with that comment! It just goes to show how high pressure being an Prem manager is. At the beginning of his tenure he was very reserved and professional in his interviews with the media. Now he's still professional, but he calls them like he sees them - such as Poll on Wednesday night.
  7. How about the four points Halsey cost us against the Merseyside clubs, or the point whoever was reffing the Ewood Park Newcastle game cost us? They balance out over a season, in theory
  8. They are a normal team, just with one of the best players in the world upfront.
  9. I thought St George wasn't English.......born in Turkey I believe.
  10. The oft injured Ronaldo, with the shot knee(s)?
  11. Five years ago (essentially) is pretty recent when you're talking about such matters. Whilst I agree Hughes has managed his finances well, offloading deadweight and bringing in quality players, the fact of the matter is that the Trust, or the board (whoever decides these things) has heavily funded Rovers with little or no gain. Why would you expect them to invest again when their return will be minimal, at best?
  12. You should be sorry. As philipl says, the club is losing millions of pounds a year due to the shockingly poor crowds. I believe they made a mistake backing Souness and his signings for as long as they did, but you cannot question their funding of the club. Hughes alone has spent £8.3m, roughly - Bellamy, Savage, Mokoena. Nelsen was free, so was Kuqi. Souness, since 2000 has spent £50m, roughly - Ferguson, Cole, Grabbi to name but a few. He recouped £39m, roughly - Duff, Dunn mainly. Factor in the obscene wages Cole, York, Ferguson, Sukur and co must have been on and you're looking at a substantial loss during his tenure. Selling two home grown talents only served to reduce the attendence figures. Not to say I don't agree - the board should back Hughes, he's proven himself an astute manager in the transfer market, as well as managing to extract a lot of production out of averagely talented players (thanks to an excellent coaching staff). However, I'd understand if the funds provided were meagre, or far below the demands of Hughes.
  13. I'd be mightily impressed if the board can summon any money up. The amount they have invested in the club recently is absurd, considering the size of the team/fan base.
  14. Should have put one away with the chances we've had. I've a sneaky feeling Newcastle will nick this - a Shearer goal is always on the cards. Newcastle sound like a very dirty team on the radio.
  15. It takes a lot of pressure off the strikers to convert every chance they see. It also makes the team much harder to defend against
  16. I'd say he's got great skill and the ability to play the killer ball down too. His crossing is also pretty good, when he wants it to be
  17. Exactly, he's done the job Hughes asked him to do. Where's Dickov on that list I wonder, he's worse than Reid at shooting and has no pace or positional awareness.
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