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Everything posted by Exiled_Rover

  1. It's clearly not a very big box you're thinking outside of
  2. I walked into the door today - what's the point of having two sets of automatic doors if one pair is turned off? Heads need to roll
  3. Oh don't worry, I will be at the ticket office first thing in the morning. That's an absolute disgrace and the club should be ashamed of itself. If you can't spare 5,000 pies to fellow Lancastrians well it makes you wonder just what the world is coming to
  4. Public exectutions at the next home match of those responsible, half time preferable. It's the only way to solve the matter I think you'd all agree
  5. More importantly, how good are their pies? They've got to be better than the cr@p they serve at Ewood right, after all that's their namesake - it's what the place is famous for
  6. Because they and their fans have made the long journey from Sunderland only to be told the game isn't on two hours before kickoff. The incompetence alone is a good enough reason to give them the points.
  7. I wouldn't blame Sunderland if they demanded a forfeit.
  8. The club has blatantly not turned the system on.
  9. You should've quit when you were ahead.....which was at no point during that post. He's not lightning, I'll grant you that, but he's very quick - more than enough acceleration and top end speed to get past a full back. His problem? He's an athlete playing football, he simply doesn't have a footballing brain. The skill is there (trapping the ball, crossing, dribbling, passing), but his though process is always a second or so behind the defender.
  10. Wow, shown at the end of the programme again, shock horror. Speaking of which, as I was forced to watch the rest of it, y'know in the fear they might throw Rovers in there just to fool me, I noticed just how poor the standard of reffing is these days. I counted at least 13 suspect decisions that changed matches, and that's just from the highlights.
  11. Damn good cross today for the Kuqi goal - just thought I'd add that.
  12. When one of your leading characters can't act herself out of a paper bag, all the while being unremarkable to look at, you're immediately in trouble. Once you add in the fact the scripts aren't anything special, well the results speak from themselves.
  13. I don't see the problem. I'm a Carolina Panthers fan and their supporters also complain about a lack of respect/ (positive) media coverage. Personally I don't see the problem, we're a small market team and not exactly fashionable. There's no 'underdog' story to push because we're in the Prem, and quite frankly, until recently we didn't play attractive football. The media is never going to pay much attention to such a team (and yes this goes for the Panthers as well ). I've learnt to enjoy not being the media darlings, but maybe I'm just twisted
  14. As they say, if you see a ninja squirrel, it can see you. If you can't you may only be seconds away from death. Clearly they've been taking out any eyewitnesses.
  15. ST holders, Stub Holders, Open sale That's how it will and should be.
  16. Emerton's pretty quick, but I see your point. We've lacked pace in the side for a while now - Bellamy has been a breath of fresh air in that department.
  17. You mean like the chance he laid to Emerton on a plate?
  18. Jeez that bad eh Just seen the highlights: shocking defending for both their goals. Dickov wasn't offside, but hey you lose some, you lose some . Knight is a better finisher than most of our forward line, and Emerton is pants. He missed a very similar one earlier this season, luckily we put away enough of our chances to cover it up. Whoever the commentator was is a muppet, Neill very lucky for absolutely nothing, not to mention his love of the phrase 'carved open'
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