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Everything posted by Mattyblue

  1. Ha! We are just collectively known as ‘the forums’ IRL. I.e ‘ those negative clowns on the forums’
  2. Stop flogging a dead horse on this one, 1864. It was the Mail Online comment section FFS! 😁 No business or charity would ever undertake any initiative if they were worried about the reaction on that cesspit!
  3. Pages of the pros and cons of said young Rao, but is there any actual substance, or just a rumour? As I’m sure we’ve heard something similar about this lad before…
  4. That Garlick will be counting his silver… but at least he got a good deal unlike those fool Walker kids.
  5. *Sigh*, Im not deriding any work that goes on behind the scenes, I’m deriding the ‘I know something you don’t know’ of certain posters. Either tell folk what’s going on, or say nowt if you can’t. Not months and months of ‘If only you knew! You lot are clueless lolz’. I can only judge any change from what is actually happening, not on vague promises of those with little power within Ewood, and we’ve been hearing for a year now that ‘things are changing’… yet we are seeing a manager search very similar to the one in 2016. So my OTK eyes tell me very little has changed in six years. PS, what’s my agenda, you’ve gone very quiet on that one? 😁
  6. *Rewarding those with an earlier in the month pay day.
  7. Oh I see, you gave the impression that it was Rovers fans, not anonymous posters on that well known progressive bastion of the Mail Online 😁
  8. Didn’t say he had, I was merely replying to Rev who said his reign was ‘just ok’, and I wasn’t going to let that go!
  9. BJ, why not. Pasha has achieved the square root of feck all. Oh and as for the snidey comment in the post one up, try growing up for Christ sake. But I’ll bite. Can you explain my ‘agenda’ against the owners please? Have a read of my post at the top of the page and let me know what my agenda is and what I hope to achieve from having said ‘agenda’?
  10. Well no, that is very unlikely to be the situation, as it sounds like he is being floated as the owner’s conduit in England, so a choice between himself or Pasha, not for him to take over as Chief Exec.
  11. Let me get this straight. So someone that has been going to Ewood since he was five years old, a sixth generation fanatic, that loves the club like family, that spends his days giving himself RSI by posting on an obscure Rovers forum, that spends thousands of pounds and travels hundreds of miles year in year out … doesn’t want us to actually succeed, in fact, he can’t BEAR the thought of it, indeed he’s TERRIFIED of it, because, err, well, he’d rather spite some family in Pune, India that aren’t even aware of his existence over the success and well being of his beloved Blackburn Rovers!? Nice try 😁
  12. End of the day there’s no point getting particularly vexed about it, it’s Venky World, they’ll do what ever the feck they want, regardless of if it’s a good, average or batshit crazy idea. But whoever their point man is, family or otherwise, I can’t see much changing whilst the club is still in cost cutting mode on the ground under the likes of powerless ‘execs’ like Waggott. Real executive power needs to be in place at Ewood Park, not Pune, as we are seeing once again what happens without it, as just like 2016, despite knowing for months of a probable managerial vacancy, we head into June with no manager for a July kick off. That’s six years and not a bloody thing has changed.
  13. We can all cherry pick the few mistakes of somebody whilst ignoring years of consistent good work. Appointed Ince, realised the mistake, had him replaced with a top manager in months, compare that to the last decade. ‘Nearly relegated’, yes Rev, because we had no money for a decade, yet we still always stayed up… until the family you still support fecked it up in months. You are in a minority of one if you think JW was no better than ok. (But then you always were on that score).
  14. Now you’re talking! The Rest is History Podcast with Tom Holland (not that one!) and Dominic Sandbrook is fantastic. Great knowledge, but they don’t take it all too seriously like many an American podcast. With events in Ukraine it has got me delving into the aftermath of the Second World War a lot at the moment. It is striking to see how many of the major issues we are having across the world currently goes back to the fallout from it… the advance of the USSR across Eastern Europe, the Chinese civil war and the escape of the losing Nationalists to Taiwan, the end of Empires, Israel/Palestine etc etc.
  15. It’s a daft question because neither are fit to be anywhere near the running of Blackburn Rovers, so I wouldn’t appoint either if I was somehow the owner of the club. ’Yeah, yeah, but if you HAD to? Blind or deaf?’ ’Leg or arm chopped off?’
  16. Hmm, pretty sure you said JW ‘did ok’ this very afternoon! Though if you don’t think having Balaji Junior potentially run the place is a positive, I’m glad to hear it! Apologies, must have read your post wrong.
  17. Imagine once of a day having standards so high that you thought John Williams merely ‘did ok’, to now being happy for some kid out of uni to run Blackburn Rovers… and still be in the mindset that this lot are a good thing for the club.
  18. Uncalled for? Give over. He’s been on the wind up for 12 months, he’s told us absolutely nowt, and he now spends most of his time saying how we are all ‘clueless’, yet won’t tell us a single thing to give us mushrooms a clue, and it’s long become tiresome. He either needs to put some meat on the bones or put a sock in it.
  19. Eh? That’s the exact opposite of my point. I don’t like our club and fanbase being besmirched. It was a great initiative all round and 99.9% of feedback was positive, apart from professional trolls. A real positive by and for the club. So try again!
  20. A tiny minority of social media trolls, as to be expected. Look at the penalty missers at the Euros, also a tiny minority of knuckle draggers, it’s the modern social media world. The club has had massive positive publicity. Your posts are getting increasingly odd, 1864, you seem to enjoy being divisive and I’ve no idea what you are trying to achieve. Unfortunately you seem to be the very last person the club should be engaging with…
  21. Bit of positivity around Wigan, I imagine they won’t be a million miles from us either. Year upon year decline in sales for the flagship product of any football club, indeed hitting new lows in sales I wouldn’t have even believed possible a decade ago. At a club with any kind of accountability heads would roll, but this is modern day Blackburn Rovers after 12 years of going through the motions…
  22. I see, so you believe there should now be a hierarchy of loyalty even before the season has kicked off! Maybe STs should now have a ‘Purchased on’ stamp so you can have exclusive perks on a sliding scale. And despite it being the exact same product whenever you buy it, if you can’t afford one until pay day and are waiting till the claim your seat deadline, like every year, you are, of course, less loyal. Don’t recall ever reading that in the Ts&Cs. Didn’t expect any different from said poster though, what a strange view of the world he has…
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