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Everything posted by Mattyblue

  1. Interesting hat Mogga's comments are also being published on the offiical site... https://www.rovers.co.uk/news/2018/may/tony-identifies-transfer-requirements/
  2. Hameed's form has fallen off a cliff, so it looks as if he'll be learning his trade at county level for the forseeable (if he can even get into the Lancs team!).
  3. Could well be. Though he is busy at the moment, fresh from his residency on the Shrewsbury forum, here he is giving his pearls of wisdom to devestated Swansea fans; https://www.fansnetwork.co.uk/football/swanseacity/forum/223520/michael-laudrup./#189
  4. Rightly let go? Behave yourself, the guy is and was a class act at this level.
  5. Pitch invasions were a fairly regular occurence until probably the mid 90s, then they rapidly died off, for example there wasn’t even an inkling to do it at Anfield 95 or Deepdale ‘01. They are back with a vengeance now - Man City fans seem to be on their pitch every week. Social media generation. I assume Wembley pitch invasions will be next?
  6. Boos, ‘off, off, off!’ ‘where were you when we were shit?!’ Villa Park sounds familiar! At least we’d actually achieved something though!
  7. I like the fact it’s a little more genteel down the Cottage. Doesnt do for every away day to be the same...
  8. A lot of 'names' in that Derby team, but quite a few of them look one paced and were miles off a rapid Fulham team, superb pass and move football at times.
  9. Well they can't trot out the usual excuse of the England team being 'jaded'. A load of the squad don't even get a game for their club!
  10. Wilshire seems to have played a fair bit since Christmas?
  11. Couple of seasons in the Hughes era from memory, that’s it.
  12. There is a place for the 1,500/2,000-ish regular Riversiders to go - the Jack Walker. Though you would think that’s it for the closures, and closing the Riverside would create a furore bigger than the other two put together, there are a hell of a lot of folk in there that have been Riversiders for decades.
  13. It’s possible as that would still leave 15,500-16,000 home seats - which has more than sufficed since 2012. Though the club should now be of the mindset that we have bottomed out and should be striving to increase attendances.
  14. Looking on their forums, they seem quite angry about his departure - had nothing to spend, how will McClaren do any better etc.
  15. He's in cloud cuckoo land if he thinks a run of the mill fixture against West Brom, Swansea, Wigan etc is going to provide an away following of anywhere near 5,500, never mind 7,000+
  16. “We hope supporters can understand the rationale behind this decision" Steve, the rationale you are publically going with is nonsense . As only Leeds (though not certain) and perhaps Preston will bring over the 5,500 that can be housed in the usual away half of the lower and the whole upper tier, there wouldn't be 'constant disruption'. As I said yesterday, why not just tell the truth? You wanted to cut costs and move home fans closer together.
  17. They already do, started back end of last season from memory. Probably not had much success with it this season due to some of the tiny away followings.
  18. Existing fans could be just keen to renew, so a busy day doesn't necessarily mean we are in line for increased overall sales. However, club did re-tweet this fella:
  19. In reality who's going to bring more than one half of the lower tier (2,500), nevermind even needing the upper tier. I'd say Preston, Leeds, Villa/Boro (if still there), Bolton, Sheffield clubs (though not a definite with those two), Stoke, West brom, that's about it. And I'd say only Leeds would deifintely bring 5,500 (half of lower and upper). Novelty could have worn off for Preston. So the excuse that the move has been done so not to inconvienence Darwen End ST holders is a load of nonsense really. Should have just been truthful and say it is a cost cutting exercise and to place home support into fewer stands, so less scattered.
  20. Get Shrewsbury up. Lovely town to visit, fairly easy get to by train too, with a change at Crewe.
  21. Do you know the club will put the away fans in the 'traditional' away half of the Darwen End? Knowing that those that like a bit of banter will be close to them in the DE side of the Jack Walker, they may put them in the other half...
  22. To be fair the end block of the Riverside usually has about 3 people in it. Makes no odds to me, just reading what barry said about it being a poor view, plus the chance you will obstruct those in JH's area.
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